Well I been to the show. I am amazed that the sales people didn't pounce on my wife. I mean they see her with a glamorous toy boy like me and they must realise that she is wealthy.
Byron, My Lord.
If you went bedecked in splendifourous uniform depicted in current photo, they were probably too stunned to contemplate a pounce on wife. Foremost in all minds must be the question "How such rank with such tender years?"
There you were in your Customs and Excise uniform, smoking your roll ups and eating your tuna sandwiches, probably thought your wife had just been nicked for some smuggling exploit.
Yes Tony, I sent Obergruppenfuhrer Eileen on the stand, she bought them and got a free yellow rubber duck thrown in too. I saw Robin Knox-Johnson later who made some comment about "at last Byron's got something that suits his boating abilities"