Speed cameras N.B.


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23 Nov 2004
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havent read the other posts but there was a prog on telly a few months ago and what it showed was the reader of the pics. basically they need the bits on the roads to read the pix. the pics actually show the marks on the roads, the operators then deduce the speed from the marks that show between the pics. ie one mark is one speed 2 marks is the next speed etc etc. so no marks no reading of speed, so looks as if you are ok

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16 May 2001
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The man who developed the first radar gun got caught by it about a month after it went in to service. He immediately developed a modulating radar reflector, which gave readings about 30 mph higher than he was actually doing. If he got stopped, he asked the operator to look at the car while stationary; result, 30 mph. Not only did he get away with it, he got the money for "repairing" the faulty gun!

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29 Apr 2003
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Re: Endangered species?

>What, a real policeman? What do they look like, I've only really seen one in a car?<

Around here you can occasionally spot them in vans as well, and with really good binoculars I've even seen one in a helicopter.

<hr width=100% size=1>Think I'll draw some little rabbits on my head, from a distance they might be mistaken for hairs.


24 Jan 2003
East Coast
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yeah but the picture has the speed printed on it, from data derived from the doppler radar - belive me, i've seen a few of them /forums/images/icons/crazy.gif. The lines are just a backup, the 'evidence' is the picure with the radar recorded speed on it.

There are a large number of urban myths relating to getting off of speed camera offences, most of which are complete rubbish. Just about the only thing 'they' have to do is send you the notice of intended prosecution within 14 days of finding out your name and address from the DVLA (not 14 days of the offence). I hate the damn things about as much as anyone, and they do nothing to improve road safety (the govermnent can use as many clever arguments as they like, but the plain fact is that fatality accident numbers are rising, not falling). But they are what they are and if you turn down 3 points and 60 quid and try to get clever in court, if and when you loose you will get 5-6 points and a means tested fine of up to £1000 plus costs. Unless you already have 9 points and the last 3 is going to ban you, the simple risk / reward calc is a no brainer. Take the 3 points, and keep your eyes open more often!!


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14 Aug 2002
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Take the 3 points, "and keep your eyes open more often!!"

or you could always try driving within the speed limit.

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30 May 2001
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Re: Well it\'s a novel approach.

And round here they would just drop the limit again to 40mph and catch you anyway. This is serious income here, can't have people finding ways of not paying their share.

<hr width=100% size=1><font size=1>Sermons from my pulpit are with tongue firmly in cheek and come with no warranty!</font size=1>

Sans Bateau

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19 Jan 2004
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Tony sorry to hear you got flashed and I dont want to stand the high moral ground, but as Cliff has already said you've been nicked, accept it. If you have been travelling that stretch of road for a good number of years at 65 and you know its a 50 limit, you have no mittigating argument.

There are many speed limits around that we don't agree with or understand. But as long as people continue to ignore the limit signs, there will continue to be more and more cameras. The best way to avoid getting nicked, is, stick to the limit. Sorry there is no excuse.

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19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Sorry to disagree, but many of these blasted things are placed to maximise revenue, not to minimise accidents.IMHO their existence in the longer term causes more accidents by an over reliance on speed control as a universal panacea to everything. IMHO they would be better improving roads, junctions and visibility so that not only can we travel safer, but we can also get there faster.

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21 Dec 2002
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Life is cheap nb

The figures have just been published for Humberside and they are very good, if they can be believed. The fatalities for black spots with cameras have been reduced in a year form 72 to 34. The average cost of each life saved, in fines from each motorist was just over six grand.

The surplus of fines over costs were one million which will go to expanding the scheme. Just £6000 per life is a bargain. Bring on more cameres and other devices.

I am a also motorist.

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22 Jun 2004
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Its irrelevant why the cameras are there, the you have to drive under the speed limit BY LAW, so if you speed you're breaking the law and you really can't moan that the way you got caught was unfair.

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19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Bollox Bollox Bollox!

The reason for a law is that it benefits the community. If its a revenue raising scheme then increase taxes. Any law which is unfair or enforced unfairly brings the whole system of law into disprepute. Branding upstanding citizens as lawbreakers (because the joyriders,unregistered car owners, dangerous drivers are NOT caught) does no one any good.

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7 Jun 2001
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The nanny state at work again.

For most of my life obeying road speed limits has been a matter of personal responsibility, a citizen's duty. And with the exception of a few kids by and large we did, a little over sometimes but not excessively so and with due regard to the conditions.

Now it's just become a stupid game of cat and mouse. The implication is that citizens aren't to be trusted with being essentially law-abiding, it's just a matter of whether plod can catch them out.

So the law is no longer respected, as this thread demonstrates. The result is sometimes horrifically dangerous driving. All along the dual carriageway Rochester Way (the A2 through Bexley) with a 50 mph limit, which I've travelled daily this week, out of rush-hours people race along at 85 and then slam on the brakes at the cameras. Every day I pass accidents - they are invariably right by the traps where someone appears to have piled into a breaking car ahead.

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15 Nov 2004
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So it is ok to break the law if the fine/penalty you receive is just there as a fund raising measure? ... try to get away with that in court!!
Mobile Cameras are blummin sneaky and catch many unawares, but not everyone gets a fine - they can be there as deterants - trying to slow people down in this busy world of ours.
If someone was blatting about in their boat within the marina you'd want them punished wouldn't you? The disturbance would make u spill your G&Ts!!

If your not prepared to get caught - don't do it in the first place.

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1 Jan 2002
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existential problem

That's the old reason. The new reason for laws is that it makes the goverment look like it is doing something. So that blind bloke is going to charge me £85 for a bit of paper I don't want so that jobsworths can demand it and said blind bloke will look like he's doing something about fanatic swarthy types who are fed up with Americans in general and George W. in particular. Just wait till the coppers get the chance to stop you on the street and ask have you got the right bit of paper to exist. You won't hear the end of it. Of course, all the drunken yobs won't have one, just like they won't be able to remember their pin numbers when Mr Blairs monitors frog march them to a cashpoint. And all the identity fraudsters, they'll have four, so it won't bother them. But you and me, young jimi, we are in for a hell of a time from these 'see you next Tuesday' politicians lording it over us. Grr

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