Spade Anchors


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16 May 2001
Overwinter in Sweden, sail in Northern Baltic, liv
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I was quite impressed by the methods used for testing anchore in the recent PBOs but not terribly convinced by the results. We dug our CQR int Dart mud last weekend and had great trouble shifting it next morning after a swing or two.
Now the PBOs tests were done in sand and they rated the spade as much better than a plough. I'm not sure the results transfer to other bottom types.
Has anyone got experience of Spade anchors? Could you let us know what you think of them and which bottoms they work well in - Thanks


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8 Feb 2002
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No experience of Spade anchors, but in East Coast mud my CQR digs in and is sometimes difficult to pull up. A few years ago I had to anchor at Burnham on Crouch in a 20' boat with a 15lb CQR, it blew up to F6 during the night and it was impossible to lift, I had to wait for the tide to lift the boat, the stem roller was touching the water before the anchor released. I was impressed and always used a CQR from then onwards.

I'd rather be sailing...


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5 Aug 2002
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I replaced a CQR with a Spade three years ago and am 100 per cent satisfied with the Spade. It holds exceptionally well, much better than the CQR. Also, I have watched others drag CQRs whilst we remained firmly in place. The problems with the CQRs generally occurred after the tide turned. And this is cruising in benign tropical waters! The bottom is sand and mud. A friend with an alloy boat had quite a reputation for dragging his CQR and he changed to a Bruce! So far (one season) no problems for him.

The Spade has always remained firmly set in all conditions although the highest wind speed I have experienced has only been gusting 40 knots.

I generally have to break the anchor out under engine. I very rarely had to do that with the CQR.

I "oversized" my Spade getting the next size up from that recommended for the length of boat. Even then, it does not look out of place on the bow. I also have all chain rode, probably one size bigger than necessary and I usually ensure that the scope is at least 5 to 1! I believe in erring on the side of caution!


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5 Aug 2002
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Re: Hutch!

Regret no experience on other bottoms - not common in Thailand/Malaysia! The Spade stows well on the bow roller. I have drilled a hole through it to take the securing pin. A US boating Magazine carried out test in 1998 - and doubtless has done more since - and it was on the strenth of these tests that I bought my anchor.