South Pacific marina


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19 Jun 2001
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One of my best mates is in the process of initiating a serious development in the South Pacific and it looks as if I may get involved as well. The location is such that to omit a marina from the plans at the outset would be just plain daft. Should we decide to create one it would make economic sense to get this element of the development functioning in the initial stages of the whole project. What we need is as much disparate input as possible as to what makes a marina popular to as many different types of people as possible.

The island on which this will happen is fairly large but there are no immediate marinas, as a European would recognise. What mooring facilities exist are remote, grubby and/or lacking facilities. There are the obvious requirements such as weather protection, ablution and laundry facilities, lift out availability, a social hub, plus plus plus. What would really entice you boys and girls to come, in the first place, and maybe spend more than a few days? What would really push your buttons?
Also does anyone know of an Aussie/Kiwi b/board like this that I could pose the same question on?

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Well-known member
31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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Phoar - South Pacific eh?

Unlikely that I would ever get there on my own bottom so to speak, but anyone that does is likely to have yotted a fair old distance and may be in need of maintenance. How about providing a 'tools library' and rent-a-workshop facility so that the boys and girls can mend that which they have broke getting to you.

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Sans Bateau

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19 Jan 2004
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You would do well to have some short stay visitors berths for the power boaters just poping over for lunch, then stay all afternoon only to leave when the place is realy filling up with overnighters.

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16 May 2001
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in that area you're looking at catching the passing circumnavigators (unless there's a charter base nearby). this means you have pretty seasonal trade.

when going into a marina on a voyage i like to see shops nearby and easy access to town, chandlery, boatyard for repairs, secure storage so i can leave the boat & come back next season, good security, restaurants & bars nearby but no loud music at night.

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23 Aug 2003
Brighton, UK
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You will need spares and other swindlery bits, plus good communications (both internet/phone and airline) in order to get spares ordered and delivered. Unfortunately as soon as you develop all this, the charter lot arrive and ruin it for proper yachties. Long distance folk will also like a book exchange, and reasonable price food to stock back up.

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24 Oct 2001
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Phew ...what a question.... I reckon you should research the market before you attempt the exercise. In ccruising the South Pacific, I have met tons of sailors who DO NOT WANT marinas. too expensive !!!! Cruisers are always working on a budget, they want a place to shower ( are prepared to pay if necessary) a slipway to haulout if necessary or a "Pit" to dig into if you intend leaving the Yacht over the cyclone season.... plus many other things ie . a soimple but clean eating house where they meet other yachties, exchange reading material , charts , local knowledge.....
Go do your homework.. its too big a risk without research.. but have a look at say Latoka , in Fiji.. that gives you some idea of what I am saying, then look at the fantastic facilitiesat Westhaven in Auckland... outstanding.

A lot of OZ and Kiwi sailors read this BB , so keep us informed what you have in mind

<hr width=100% size=1>BrianJ