Soon be time to sell


Well-known member
16 Feb 2006
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??After many wonderful years with the current yacht, it is beginning to be time to face up to older age and hang up our sea boots. So with much regret we have to plan how to sell the boat. We are Aegean -based and the boat is set up now for warm weather sailing, all in very good condition but 15 years old. Any suggestions for the best brokers and best locations for handling the sale?


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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??After many wonderful years with the current yacht, it is beginning to be time to face up to older age and hang up our sea boots. So with much regret we have to plan how to sell the boat. We are Aegean -based and the boat is set up now for warm weather sailing, all in very good condition but 15 years old. Any suggestions for the best brokers and best locations for handling the sale?
Peter , you still got a few more years left , go on push your self :)


Well-known member
18 Feb 2007
West London
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??After many wonderful years with the current yacht, it is beginning to be time to face up to older age and hang up our sea boots. So with much regret we have to plan how to sell the boat. We are Aegean -based and the boat is set up now for warm weather sailing, all in very good condition but 15 years old. Any suggestions for the best brokers and best locations for handling the sale?
What boat.


Well-known member
16 Feb 2006
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Peter , you still got a few more years left , go on push your self :)
Vic, thanks for your confidence in our health !:)
Last year we had such fun that the sale was put on hold for another season. With luck 2020 will be the same, knees permitting. But then........


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16 Feb 2006
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These are a lovely boat here in Canada and sought after!
Thanks! Made in Maine , so craftsman made and with lovely American cherry interior. Beautiful lines but slightly old fashioned now, it gets appreciative comments regularly. But unknown to most Europeans so how to market is a question.

Tony Cross

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14 Jan 2013
Agios Nikolaos, Crete
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We sold our boat privately. We made up a detailed pdf document with tons of photos, a complete description of the boat and everything included in the sale, details of the maintenance we'd done, etc. and we emailed that to all our boaty friends asking them to please pass it on to those friends they knew were looking. We were contacted by an Australian couple who made the trip to come and view her based solely on that pdf document - and (I guess) some kind words of support from our mutual friends. They ended up buying her.

It costs nothing to create the pdf document and IMO it's worth a stab before you pay a broker to do much the same thing.....


10 Sep 2004
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We are in the same position, but having decided to sell a few years ago every time we have a good summer we agree to put it off. Many of the friends that we have made in the last 16 years are also thinking along the same lines. We are told by them that some of the brokers in the Ionian are now cherry picking and older boats that may be harder to sell are being turned away. This year we are going to make the effort to self sell Santelmo. We have seen many boats left to rot in yards, possibly owned by some that have just given up for various reasons, we met one elderly gentlman that just walked away from his boat. We dont want to be in that situation as age and declining health catch up, We have had a great time and met some good friends and hey if it doesnt sell we will continue with the good life.


24 Dec 2001
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We are in the same position, but having decided to sell a few years ago every time we have a good summer we agree to put it off. Many of the friends that we have made in the last 16 years are also thinking along the same lines. We are told by them that some of the brokers in the Ionian are now cherry picking and older boats that may be harder to sell are being turned away. This year we are going to make the effort to self sell Santelmo. We have seen many boats left to rot in yards, possibly owned by some that have just given up for various reasons, we met one elderly gentlman that just walked away from his boat. We dont want to be in that situation as age and declining health catch up, We have had a great time and met some good friends and hey if it doesnt sell we will continue with the good life.
I wholly support the idea of simply walking away from the boat after so far 22 years permanent liveaboard, when ownership becomes too onerous. As an old git myself, I will do something similar when the time comes- one month, one year or whenever. I will first try and give it away.

For me this spells freedom both before the decision to swallow the anchor, as well as afterwards. Separate from the boat immediately and start a new life somewhere else, depending on physical capacities, saving hundreds of hours trying to sell the thing, thousands of euros of marina or yard fees for keeping it, and the sheer bother of the whole business. A clean break, in effect.


Well-known member
16 Feb 2006
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We are in the same position, but having decided to sell a few years ago every time we have a good summer we agree to put it off. Many of the friends that we have made in the last 16 years are also thinking along the same lines. We are told by them that some of the brokers in the Ionian are now cherry picking and older boats that may be harder to sell are being turned away. This year we are going to make the effort to self sell Santelmo. We have seen many boats left to rot in yards, possibly owned by some that have just given up for various reasons, we met one elderly gentlman that just walked away from his boat. We dont want to be in that situation as age and declining health catch up, We have had a great time and met some good friends and hey if it doesnt sell we will continue with the good life.
Understand completely. Last year was a great sailing year for us, so I was able to persuade my wife to plan another full season for 2020. But reality is getting more intrusive and I think 2021 has to be goodbye. But just maybe............

Tony Cross

Well-known member
14 Jan 2013
Agios Nikolaos, Crete
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I wholly support the idea of simply walking away from the boat after so far 22 years permanent liveaboard, when ownership becomes too onerous. As an old git myself, I will do something similar when the time comes- one month, one year or whenever. I will first try and give it away.
And if you can't give it away? Surely you're not advocating just dumping it on some other country for them to clean up? o_O


24 Dec 2001
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Most probably not, Tony. If I could not give it away to some deserving soul (with a sales invoice,say, of 1 euro to avoid nasty followups) I would bite the bullet and pay for it to be officially disposed of. Would cost me in France about 2000 euros. Advantages of a small boat and some local friends

The issue of freedom is becoming increasingly important in my mid eighties.


Well-known member
18 Feb 2007
West London
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Most probably not, Tony. If I could not give it away to some deserving soul (with a sales invoice,say, of 1 euro to avoid nasty followups) I would bite the bullet and pay for it to be officially disposed of. Would cost me in France about 2000 euros. Advantages of a small boat and some local friends

The issue of freedom is becoming increasingly important in my mid eighties.
What boat is it & what condition?


24 Dec 2001
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It's a Sadler 29, anno 1989, Volvo 2002 5000 hours, but for the moment I am sticking to it "indefinitely". All this is Plan B stuff,.........or even C or D. It takes the pressure off the rest of my time as an active solo sailor to know what I can easily do when this time comes to an end. As they say in Oz, "no worriz, mate"

Just went out sailing on a delightful day to the Lerins islands off Cannes, which, pure hell in high season, were perfectly tranquil with only one other boat. A leisurely F 3 max breeze and warm sun made for a perfect sailing day in mid winter - the fifth such day since mid January actually.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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We are in the same position, but having decided to sell a few years ago every time we have a good summer we agree to put it off. Many of the friends that we have made in the last 16 years are also thinking along the same lines. We are told by them that some of the brokers in the Ionian are now cherry picking and older boats that may be harder to sell are being turned away. This year we are going to make the effort to self sell Santelmo. We have seen many boats left to rot in yards, possibly owned by some that have just given up for various reasons, we met one elderly gentlman that just walked away from his boat. We dont want to be in that situation as age and declining health catch up, We have had a great time and met some good friends and hey if it doesnt sell we will continue with the good life.
Firstly I would'nt bother trying to sell it in the Ionian , the broker are only interested in marketing newer boat at give away prices and even then as brokers there really need to buck up , I can name over 20 owners who had bad service from tho guys , if I was about to give up sailing I think I give them some real competition, no people skill at all .

We sold two boats in the Ionian over the year last one just under four years ago , I found what really got people to view was a good video starting from the keel and slowly working your way up and in side , don't forget thing like keel bolts , inside toilet bowl and the engine and batteries , follow that up with a good web site with plenty of photos and a good full write up of the boat , before you do all that clear all the rubbish off the boat if as us your still living in the boat find somewhere to store what you don't need on a day to day ,then places ads in apolo duck and the yacht market with link to your webs site,
Last of all price it right , if you plan the give a broker 8 % then knock it off the asking price what every offer you willing to except knock that off too , the boat will then look very active to buyers and you will get viewing , people augment to that is , buyer will always make a offer , well if the boats is price right there a good chance the buyer will see that and except your refusal to except a offer .
It will cost you nothing other then some hard work and the cost of some ad ,


10 Sep 2004
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Some good advice there Vic, especially the bit about de cluttering and finding some storage for the duration of the attempted sale. We are currently in the Ionian yard and their storage facilities are all in use so if anybody knows of any storage in the Preveza/Levkas area I would be interested to hear about it.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Some good advice there Vic, especially the bit about de cluttering and finding some storage for the duration of the attempted sale. We are currently in the Ionian yard and their storage facilities are all in use so if anybody knows of any storage in the Preveza/Levkas area I would be interested to hear about it.
it's been a couple of years since I been in Greece But you try Vicki or Ruari at Vliho yacht club you can say I told you they may have some room or know some where.