Some nice boats in St Tropez


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1 Dec 2005
Aground in Yorkshire awaiting a very high tide
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They're alright I guess, but they're no Anderson 22's are they?

We had our Albin Vega in there three times; we even went into Monte Carlo one day too.
I don't know if it still applies but when we sailed along the S of France in 2005 the marinas were all fully booked and way out of our price range anyway for over-nighting, but if you fronted up at around 11:00 am and told the Harbourmasters that you just wanted to tie up for lunch/shopping they were quite happy; they'd give you a 'not later than...' departure time and were no doubt annoyed if you overstayed, but there was no charge. We spent four nights anchored in a small bay just west of St Tropez - the Egyptian chap who owned Harrods had a house overlooking it - and each day motored into the harbour to tie-up and look cool.

Al Fayed.