wipe soapy water (a strong solution of dishwashing liquid in a bucket of water will do) over the entire inflatable. Bubbles will form where the holes are.
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When you find the leak, if its a hole and not just a leaky valve. You can apply an internal patch via the inflator valve hole and an external patch, the job will be a lot more solid.
I've used a product called Polyflex successfully on a hyperlon inflatable, same principle as the instant puncture repair in a bottle stuff you inject into car tyres (without the air).
My experience with repairing the plastic variety of Zodiac is very poor. This stuff is quite difficult to get a patch to stick to and you may need to experiment a little with the adhesive. Don't try to use an old tube and patches, buy a fresh kit and check that it's in date. Work in as close to ideal conditions as possible, i.e. bring the inflatable indoors to a warm room. At least for a small puncture it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
I had a large tear in my 310 repaired professionally and that has been very successful. However, I believe they welded it, not glued, for these reasons.
Hypalon material is hundreds of times more easy to repair, same technique as an inner tube really, and always successful in my experience.
Next time you need to do it, use the zodiac, two part glue, it's excellent stuff, I glued a patch on mine with it three years ago, no problems. I also glued the davit lifting eyes on with it (as reccomended) they are also fine. No signs of deterioration.
That's good to know. I think I remember having some of the two-part but it was a long time ago. The Zodiac has been in the garage at home for six years now, I only carry a Compass Kudos on board. Hypalon, looks like new, never had a puncture. Nearly 10 years old.
the best tip i was ever given was to clamp the patch between a couple of pieces of wood and leave for 24 hours. i have an avon and a pvc zodiac and it works on both.