The usual convention is to not put a posting after nm - so I didn't read the rest to start with.
To allay your resentment - when first I read the thread there were only four postings and my opening comments were made in that light.
When I finally finished it 12 hours later there were a lot more.
For the record I have been single-handing for about 22 years - but it's only in the last 10 years that I have made it a regular practice with offshore trips of more than 100M.
Symbol is a lightweight flyer and I must bow to your superior stability I hope you will agree with me that an Aries mine's called Albert even though yours is one of these new-fangled a stainless-steel American gadget. A chart table that you can see from the "steering position" is a godsend whether you have crew or not (at long as they keep out of the way)
Let's face it the begat the boat the easier it is sail single-handed, how I used to sail a 505 single-handed defeats me the 9 ft tiller extension would poke my eye out today not to mention getting the shoot down!
Wedges under the cleet what a brilliant idea thank-you. Sometimes technology blurs your mind . for suggesting it
P S If you don't mind me saying n m for means no message so people don't need to bother to open your post .
The "wedges" are actually small shaped blocks of varnished mahogany, held together with pieces of bungee cord. Easy to fit, easy to remove, 100% effective. I remember seeing adverts for something called a "cleat boot" or similar, but mine were cheaper.
Seven years of singlehanding a 16ft gaff cutter makes you very well qualified, I think. I have now chalked up thirty-two years, in an 18ft gaff half decker, a tired Dragon, an 18ft gaff cutter and a 37ft gaff cutter, and you taught me a trick. Thanks!