Well its funny you should say that, I go back in next week (same place S/E corner central berth) but I only realised that you could lock the shore lead socket! If a visitor arrives and is told to berth alongside in the main channel, he can plug directly into your shorepoint and you foot the bill. So when I arrive May 4 I will take a meter reading and put a lock on mine to prevent this. Maybe someones been using yours /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
I shall be there this weekend and will raise the issue (politely!). <<<
I understand this was said slightly tongue in cheek, but is it really the case on the Sath coast that you are all too petrified of losing your berths by speaking out about problems.
If I was paying in excess of £1000 to berth my vessel I would not hesitate to fight for the best and most legal service, it seems sad on here people are afraid to speak out. No wonder you are all paying so much to park your boats!
Not a dig, merely an observation on here over time.
We keep a holiday home and a boat at the same marina. Last year the proprietors introduced the new statutory charging system which for us is £60 standing charge per annum for the marina and the same for the hol home. We are using a fraction of the electricity that we previously did due to the cheaper unit tarriff. I reckon that over the year, my boat leccy charge has gone down from about £220 to around £130 (incl £60) and that is with shore power on most of the summer and all the time in the winter powering an engine heater, one inside heater and a de-humidifier too. Hol home works off £5 charge cards and whereas a card lasted two days prior to the change of system, it now lasts about 8 days! Shore power leads are available from Halfords or caravan suppliers for around £12 to £25. Suggest you ask for a detailed breakdown of your charges from the marina boss, who is obliged to explain this. Cheers. Roy