I have a shore power socket on my yacht(beneteau) that looks like this. I think it is American? Socket Can anyone point me in the right direction for a UK supplier of plugs and cables to fit this?
I have the same one. Thes are american and I while I can't remember what they are called the other bit is usually yellow rubber. I got one recently in Port Solent at the Marine Superstore.
I have a Beneteau, and whilst I've not had occassion to inspect it closely I reckon it looks like the one in your piccy.
Doesn't a standard Marinco plug fit this? Available from many online chandlers...Mailspeed fr'instance
I got one . its yellow and you have to get the pins in the right place when inserting _ - long bit s of plate slightly curved One with a little flange at the top . Costs about 40 quid