Shackle mooring lines


Well-known member
18 Aug 2013
North West Devon
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With Jesame now ensconced on mid-river pontoon on the Itchen, thinking about mooring line arrangement that I can safely leave for months if need be. I thought of getting a couple of lines with a galvanised eye splice so that I can shackle the lines that likely to be under most strain to the mooring cleats on the pontoon for extra safety. OTOH, what is the risk of snatching lines eventually breaking the shackle? Thought I would rig two permanent pick up lines on the pontoon this way with snubbers.


Active member
23 Aug 2005
Hampshire UK
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Similar arrangement on a mid-stream pontoon on the Hamble. I have my mooring lines (heavy duty) permanently shackled to the centre of the cleats using nylon rather than galvanized eyes to reduce noise and abrasion, biggest galvanized shackles I can fitwhich are locjed by deforming the end of the secured pins and also moused with tie-wraps. The lines are made up to the required length with a little extra to allow adjustments in position to be made.

Of course, you will still need a couple of lines on board to secure her temporarily on arrival and it's a good idea to double up your lines during the winter weather or summer storms. Mine have successfully survived all this last winter has thrown at them without any visible wear. Definitely worth fitting some chafe protection where the springs cross the toerail or the breasts through the fairleads.

Hamble Harbourmaster issues a specification for the minimum requirement for pile and pontoon lines - size, material and fastening. Probably worth a look as a starting point.
