Stewart Newlands
New member
Did you know that (from April 2016) local councils, now have to register and keep into account the demand for self-build and custom housing when planning development and regeneration?
This may provide livaboards and potential liveaboards a new route to additional facilities, after all most liver aboards are custom self build (or modified) homes! So why not register with as many local councils that you think you might cruise to on a regular basis and let them know that you are looking for a SERVICED piecce of land to build your custom home. As registration is not limited to individuals but groups can also apply I would suggest that for liveaboards the registration would be for land for a new serviced mooring/marina with propper communal facilities: showers waste, fuel and pontoons.
Anyone feel like joining a self build Co-op for your area please post below listing where you would like to register.
This may provide livaboards and potential liveaboards a new route to additional facilities, after all most liver aboards are custom self build (or modified) homes! So why not register with as many local councils that you think you might cruise to on a regular basis and let them know that you are looking for a SERVICED piecce of land to build your custom home. As registration is not limited to individuals but groups can also apply I would suggest that for liveaboards the registration would be for land for a new serviced mooring/marina with propper communal facilities: showers waste, fuel and pontoons.
Anyone feel like joining a self build Co-op for your area please post below listing where you would like to register.