We had Alan Priddy talk at our club spring social last Saturday. great stuff!! never realised he'd been jailed so many times in the countries he'd visited. The story about the Russian gun emplacements pointing huge guns at the boat was wonderful
<hr width=100% size=1>Utinam logica falsa tuam philisophiam totam suffodiant
I have always told you guys what he does is very interesting and he is (and I am not saying it cos we are freins) an excellent speaker and makes it a great show.
If you have a club book him its well worth the small change he charges.
I think the stainless steel zimmer frame holder on the rear pulpits are ace.
I am concerned about MBM having a Broom as there will be nothing to write about with regard to breakdowns and once they have written about how wonderful the first service was at Brooms that will be it.
On a personal note,
Kim if you need the Broom modified by a willow tree, you are welcome to come and moor up on our mooring.
"When the going gets tough the tough get old and buy a Broom"
and the colostomy disposal unit in each cabin and the walk in bath and the bulk wintergreen ointment dispenser and everthing in a nice matching beige and a nice notice near the helm reminding you let go ALL the ropes and the SHOREPOWER before moving off..................................
And and before i forget a little badge to pin about your person which ses "Suncoas..? to remind you what t your name is./forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
<hr width=100% size=1>If it aint broke fix it till it is.