Sea Clear II


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17 Apr 2003
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I know there have been a few posts about this already but I can't find the answer I need.
I have download this software and it looks good, also connects to my hand held GPS no problem. I have scanned in charts but have two questions:
1) With an A4 scanner the charts take ages to calibrate and come complete with scanned folds and pencil marks, is there anywhere I can download charts, which will work with Sea Clear.
2) Is it legal to scan charts? I own the originals and I have no intention of selling/passing these to other people.
Thanks in advance


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Scanned charts will always be subject to the quality of the scan and chart used.

Downloads can be made via P2P such as Kazaa or Shareaza .... I am told that entering "emap" into the search box may bring forth various. But it is debatable as to legality.Seaclear will use BSB / Kap and other various chart formats. Maptech claim that their Chart Licences are exclusive to first purchaser only and non-transferable - but I believe under EU law this is unfair practice and not enforceable. Therefore second-hand Maptech BSB / Kap charts in EU are likely legal.

Scanning charts is a grey area and like many things ..... CD's etc. authorities will turn a blind eye if you own the original and scan / copy for YOUR OWN PERSONAL use and not for passing on / financial gain etc. to another.

Seaclear is ana excellent program and whats more its FREE !!

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ... and of course Yahoo groups :


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17 Apr 2003
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Thanks Nigel,

I am happy that I only use charts for my own use but I am unsure of the downloads on the net you mention, is there any legal downloads you know off. I would be happier to be legal (and realise that I will have to pay!)

Many thanks


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24 Jul 2003
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Unless you plan a world trip this is probably not a great deal of help but may give you something to play with. All of the New Zealand charts, except the Pacific Ocean ones, are available free for downloading in high resolution raster format here <A target="_blank" HREF=></A>. They work in SeaClear but are big files and take a while to download if you do not have broadband.

This is the official site for New Zealand charts and while I do not think that the downloads are openly encouraged for navigation use, in my opinion their use by pleasure vessels opens up the opportunity to have on board a set of charts more comprehensive and correct than most would otherwise carry. The downloads are not maintained as corrected and are just reissued at reprint dates but you will find the corrections are linked under each chart thumbnail to the Notices to Mariners part of the site.

I do not know of any other hydrographic authority that makes its charts available in this manner - so for them it is steal them (with which I disagree), or cut and paste scans.


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24 Jul 2003
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Just to rub it in, the encrypted official ones for UKHO, etc capable electronic charting systems with corrections service are issued on CD at the cost of distribution only - currently about GBP20 for all the NZ charts, those of the Pacific Islands that NZ produces charts for, plus all the small scale international series for the whole of the Pacific. For anyone intending cruising the Pacific is well worth a look.


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Maptech I believe tried to stop Seaclear from displaying BSB / KAP files ...... this may be the reason that later files have been found with CAP format and the need for serial key linked to the particular PC installed on .....

BUT Seaclear is not only siftware that displays Maptech charts .....

So if you - in EU - have access to s/hand BSB / KAP files - then you should be able to purchase and use. Travel abroad and keeping receipts / signed letter showing purchase in EU should be good enough.

Checking the Manual will show you the different formats available to be displayed in Seaclear .......

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ... and of course Yahoo groups :