New member
I thought scuttlebutters would like to be informed of a few hints I picked up during 48 hours (was it really that short?) to Cherbourg and back with a couple of Caledonian Scuttlebutters
frae= pronoun indicating the ablative
ra = definite article
yin = the number one
wee chucken curra =something to throw up later
force eight = wind conditions in which it is best to keep all sail set
es no a race = it is a race, but the others don't know
vessel yaws (from crew) = no it doesn't (from skipper - obviously correct)
close valve after use = instructions on glen rosa's loo (closely inspected by self , owing to curry and Benetau yawing)
container at position y = fridge at position x, confirm with solent coastguard
we are at position y = we are at position x, confirm with Jimi's plotter
rice noodle = egg noodle (according to Para)
fray bentos = long service medal OR putative contents of curry
just a wee one= entire bottle of whisky
tikki ken? = do you know about curry?
ken tikki = Norwegian Pacific raft sailed by Thor Heyerdal
teaky Ken = English butt of jokes not sailed by Thor Heyerdal
passage plan = 180 deg
return passage plan = 0 degrees
anyone noticed any others?
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frae= pronoun indicating the ablative
ra = definite article
yin = the number one
wee chucken curra =something to throw up later
force eight = wind conditions in which it is best to keep all sail set
es no a race = it is a race, but the others don't know
vessel yaws (from crew) = no it doesn't (from skipper - obviously correct)
close valve after use = instructions on glen rosa's loo (closely inspected by self , owing to curry and Benetau yawing)
container at position y = fridge at position x, confirm with solent coastguard
we are at position y = we are at position x, confirm with Jimi's plotter
rice noodle = egg noodle (according to Para)
fray bentos = long service medal OR putative contents of curry
just a wee one= entire bottle of whisky
tikki ken? = do you know about curry?
ken tikki = Norwegian Pacific raft sailed by Thor Heyerdal
teaky Ken = English butt of jokes not sailed by Thor Heyerdal
passage plan = 180 deg
return passage plan = 0 degrees
anyone noticed any others?
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