Sartorial Elegance


Well-known member
18 Jun 2001
In the far North
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I was very brave last weekend and went to a party in an upmarket garden in London which was frequented by one or two forum legends.
I listened carefully as HLB spoke about a P35 or something. Having once had a P45 and having carefully filed my P60's I thought he must be something big in Human Resource Management, such was the authority with which he spoke.
Being even braver I said to him "Excuse me for asking, Sir but who is that rather well groomed and awfully well presented Gentleman over there?" ...
HLB followed my gaze, adjusted his specs, wrinkled his nose then said
"Yon's Longjohnbloodysilver milad"
Well, you could have knocked me down with a stinkies feather duster..LongJohn Silver - the feisty old parrotdropping encrusted eyepatched shiverer of timbers - immaculate of silver and distinguished looking hair, no velvet coat or leather boots, no tricorn hat, no parrot no, not he...Clad resplendent in russet and green linen suit no less.
My image is shattered.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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You just wait till I can get a few photos on the net you sad old lecherer!!! And how did you come by such an attractive lady as dearheart, presumably she was one of your students at one time.