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Santa\'s Problems this Year!
It has occurred to me that in these times of over regulation that Santa is going to have one hell of a time this year. If he is to deliver all those presies the length and breth of the land he's going to fall foul of HMG, local councils and the PC brigade.
With all that ground to cover, what about speed limits?
Has he done a risk assessement?
Picking on Rudulf to lead could be mentally damaging for the other reindeer.
If councils won't allow hanging baskets, parking his sleigh on a roof,,, geezs!!!!
Is his sleigh CE marked?
Bad landings on ships in UK waters would need a report filed with HMCG.
Has he got a CEVNI endosement for canal boats?
If he's starting from Lapland will he file a passage plan?
If he drinks all that Sherry, what about breath tests?
Have the mince pies been stored correctly prior to him eating them!
If a house hasn't got a chimney does he have a secondary port of call or bolthole?
I think it would be best for all if Xmas was cancelled this year to make sure it's safe for all and no one will get sued!!!!!.
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It has occurred to me that in these times of over regulation that Santa is going to have one hell of a time this year. If he is to deliver all those presies the length and breth of the land he's going to fall foul of HMG, local councils and the PC brigade.
With all that ground to cover, what about speed limits?
Has he done a risk assessement?
Picking on Rudulf to lead could be mentally damaging for the other reindeer.
If councils won't allow hanging baskets, parking his sleigh on a roof,,, geezs!!!!
Is his sleigh CE marked?
Bad landings on ships in UK waters would need a report filed with HMCG.
Has he got a CEVNI endosement for canal boats?
If he's starting from Lapland will he file a passage plan?
If he drinks all that Sherry, what about breath tests?
Have the mince pies been stored correctly prior to him eating them!
If a house hasn't got a chimney does he have a secondary port of call or bolthole?
I think it would be best for all if Xmas was cancelled this year to make sure it's safe for all and no one will get sued!!!!!.
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