\"Sails full and by(e)\" ..definition?
I've seen it written both ways in PBO and YM -- James Jermain uses it in his excellent boat reviews -- but what does it really mean? Which is correct, "by" or "bye", although I suspect the latter ...
While on the subject on nautical terminolgy, why is it "Heads" in the UK and "Head" in the USA? Any ideas?
Email: HJ@Seacracker.org
Website: www.seacracker.org<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by humperdinck on Tue Apr 30 17:10:01 2002 (server time).</FONT></P>
I've seen it written both ways in PBO and YM -- James Jermain uses it in his excellent boat reviews -- but what does it really mean? Which is correct, "by" or "bye", although I suspect the latter ...
While on the subject on nautical terminolgy, why is it "Heads" in the UK and "Head" in the USA? Any ideas?
Email: HJ@Seacracker.org
Website: www.seacracker.org<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by humperdinck on Tue Apr 30 17:10:01 2002 (server time).</FONT></P>