Sailor Rage


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30 Jul 2005
Tied up away from the storm. Oh yes.
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Last bit of really really shouty behaviour was the man steering the Ferry from Howth to Lambay island. I shall not dignify him with the title of "ferryman" as he drove through a bunch of yachts yelling at all and sundry to "get the feck out of his way as he was the Ferry and he had right of way!!!"
Some re-training needed, we all thought.


Well-known member
12 May 2009
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Got to say Dylan, you are still the master at boating videos in my opinion. Just watching the first link and it is interesting, but does not keep my attention as much as your films.

Also, I can't hear all of what the chap says.


what a strange word when used in connection with sailing

never feels that way

while on the subject of failing to understand the ethos of KTL..............

one bloke emailed me on the eventual departure of the slug from KTL and he said he liked the mismatched sails....

I never thought of them as mismatched - rather stylish I thought

when we sailed GP 14s my mum and dad alweays bought us coloured genoas so that they could tell if we were in the lead or not

I thought a different coloured genoa looks rather nice

amazingly the recent reports of high blood pressure sailors on these forums have been some distance from Wells where I am "stuck"

it is wonderful fun being "stuck"


deluded of Botolph Claydon


- if you are in a hurry to see films about sailing right around the UK

may I refer you to this most excellent youtube series

there is also this


Active member
28 Mar 2005
very nice of you to say so

Got to say Dylan, you are still the master at boating videos in my opinion. Just watching the first link and it is interesting, but does not keep my attention as much as your films.

Also, I can't hear all of what the chap says.

very nice of you to say so...

but he completed the journey without getting stuck anywhere and I really like seeing the films he took of the places I will eventually visit.

peter does lots of slow steady pans around harbours and it really gives you a feeling for the places he visited.

when I look back I feel so bad about the last five years wasting my time getting stuck

I mourn the weeks I wasted being stuck on the broads

and then there was the time I got stuck on the Alde - a whole winter or absolute stuckness

and now I am stuck in Wells

there are the odd days when I am utterly overwhelmed with self pity about how stuck I have been over the past five years

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25 Nov 2006
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very nice of you to say so...

but he completed the journey without getting stuck anywhere and I really like seeing the films he took of the places I will eventually visit.

peter does lots of slow steady pans around harbours and it really gives you a feeling for the places he visited.

when I look back I feel so bad about the last five years wasting my time getting stuck

I mourn the weeks I wasted being stuck on the broads

and then there was the time I got stuck on the Alde - a whole winter or absolute stuckness

and now I am stuck in Wells

there are the odd days when I am utterly overwhelmed with self pity about how stuck I have been over the past five years


I think you should just go for it and list every video you have ever produced in the vain hope that mr Google and his bots will be swamped.

We all know where to find your stuff Dylan.

Methinks you might be a touch sensitive on this issue.The point about being stuck is that you are seeing much of the same place and it was you who complained of meeting too many grumpy people.

Move on and see something really different, like land that sticks up further than 5 metres above sea level and rivers over 2 metres deep.

See, if have done some more indexing for you.


Active member
28 Mar 2005

I think you should just go for it and list every video you have ever produced in the vain hope that mr Google and his bots will be swamped.

We all know where to find your stuff Dylan.

Methinks you might be a touch sensitive on this issue.The point about being stuck is that you are seeing much of the same place and it was you who complained of meeting too many grumpy people.

Move on and see something really different, like land that sticks up further than 5 metres above sea level and rivers over 2 metres deep.

See, if have done some more indexing for you.

deepest apologies doing it wrong

although I am not sure the web works quite the way you think

If it was hits I was after then I would refer you to my website rather than google/youtube films which are free to view and earn me nothing

they earn revenue for google and youtube... but not me

I would like to apologise to you for making films about nice places which do not meet your approval

I hope that in the fullness of time I will eventuallly get around to places you might like

on the other hand.... I might never make it right the way round

but it seems to me that it is sometimes better to have tried and failed than not tried at all



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25 Nov 2006
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I would like to apologise to you for making films about nice places which do not meet your approval

I hope that in the fullness of time I will eventuallly get around to places you might like

on the other hand.... I might never make it right the way round

but it seems to me that it is sometimes better to have tried and failed than not tried at all


Apology accepted. Now that you have a trailer you have no excuse for not at least getting to Scotland.


Well-known member
16 Feb 2006
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Well said.

I think the forum is at one of its most aggressive phases right now, perhaps due to the weather and the economy? :confused:

What absolute rubbish! The aggression has nothing to do with weather or economy. What really gets our goat is brokers rabbitting on about their wobbly-keeled anchor-bending deposit-risking yachts when what we need to know is what colour is the ensign.

Damn, I've missed out colregs....


Active member
28 Mar 2005

Apology accepted. Now that you have a trailer you have no excuse for not at least getting to Scotland.

I have sailed around the West Coast of Scotland and I am really looking forward to returning there. I did spend tywo summers exploring the West Coast and the Islands

that was back in the 80's

just words and pix for the magazines though

no free videos

sorry again

must try harder



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16 Apr 2009
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Have you noticed that it's the saily types who get stressed out at so much. Us moboers tend to be pretty laid back :) :rolleyes:

(There really should be a tongue in cheek smiley)

My experience in the UK is that, unlike the case in the US where most of my experience is, moboers here bend over backwards to show good seamanship and courtesy -- as if to overcome prejudice against them. Many positive experiences.

But a couple of weeks ago, I had a shocking experience with a moboer on the Hamble -- on the topic of this thread. We were going out to sea from the top of the Hamble where my new mooring is, on the ebb tide with about 2 knots of current. As everyone knows, the speed limit on the Hamble is 6 knots -- through the water. We were in a hurry not to miss our tide getting out the Needles, and found ourselves behind a 30-ish foot "sport cruiser" making about 3 knots through the water and slewing back and forth across the channel as the helmsman chatted and laughed with someone else in the cockpit. I sped up to the full allowed 6 knots through the water -- which meant 8 knots over ground -- to pass by, which was tricky since he was yawing back and forth practically across the entire channel -- I guess you barely have any steerage on a boat like that at 3 knots, especially when you hardly ever look out where you're going.

I was jut about to get by, when the helms looked back at my, glared, and -- this is shocking! -- turned the helm of his boat hard over into me. I turned hard away and full revs in astern to avoid a collision -- and barely avoided crashing, splintering fibreglass. The helmsman of the mobo stepped out of the cockpit and onto his swim platform, and shouted at me -- "Five knots speed limit here!" I said -- calmly -- "Six! And through the water, not over ground!" He said -- "Well, ok, but we would appreciate a horn signal when you're coming round!" I thought of several things to say in response, but in the event just smiled and passed him.

An unbelievable experience. Would never have thought something like that could happen on the Hamble, home of so many highly skilled amateur mariners.


19 Sep 2002
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A 30ft sports cruiser with twin engines can be placed very accurately at 3kts, assuming the skipper is paying attention and it's not too gusty. With a single engine, it would take more concentration, and it will waggle a few feet either side with no correction, but still should not be wandering across the entire channel.


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3 Oct 2005
In a plastic tub!
I've had a couple of run-ins at the entrance to the Hamble. Not entirely sure what causes the testosterone to boil in that particular area, but I simply give them a quizzical look and carry on as normal.

My favourite was when 3 yachts, including us, were motoring along, 2 abreast as we were overtaking (with plenty of space). This small dinghy had been sailing up outside the channel (well over the limit) and suddenly decides to cut across the front of us, causing all three yachts to kill the power in order not to churn him up. Chummy even had the gall to shout at us telling us to not get so close to him. I appreciate power gives way to sail, but surely a person in a dinghy should have more sense than to cut across the path of three motoring yachts?


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22 Sep 2008
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Puffins make me angry. Smug little bastards.

Is it any wonder we're all het up when we have to share the sea with those black and white wind up merchants.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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Over this past weekend there have been some pretty stiff posts and some astute observations about sailor rage

there do seem to be quite a few sailors around who get pretty angry

as a keen observer of those around me I think that there are quite a lot of poeple who find sailing rather stressful

the bigger the boat the more stressed people seem to get

It must be horrible sail with them

what happened to tradition British phlegm

why does this happen


why don't they either start sailing a tinker tramp where the opportunities for damage are almost zero


go off and find another hobby

guuinea pig breeding would seem to be a fairly sensible place to start


Hum. Of all the places I have been boating, brits seem to have the biggest problems about other people having bigger boats. Even the OP is convinced that people have a worse time on a bigger boat, or at least that they are somehow different people, angrier and more unhappy. Not true, of course.
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13 May 2007
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Dont stop Dylan as I do love your videos of the slug and yourself and even contributed to watch them too, but Solent boy has spotted you do promote quite a bit.
Though saying that keep posting them as I find your style very easy.



Active member
28 Mar 2005

Dont stop Dylan as I do love your videos of the slug and yourself and even contributed to watch them too, but Solent boy has spotted you do promote quite a bit.
Though saying that keep posting them as I find your style very easy.


sorry about that

I guess I communicate using film

so if I have something to say there is a good chance that I have said it in a film

there is a wonderful democracy about web forums

if stuff is dull then the threads drop like a stone

if they are of interest... then they keep bobbing back to the surface

I did make some films about the challenges of bringing the Minstrel home behind a rented van and about the differences between the two rigs

no link

I shall turn my attention to a some "where is it" threads and ones about birthday greetings

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21 Sep 2007
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The lower Hamble is an area of high hazard with people rushing in to get back for tea, people insisting on sailing and tacking up to their berth, mobos of all sizes wandering around in a state of confusion and sail school yachts barging to the front of the queue at the fuel pontoon. Not to mention the dinghies weaving around at random and the pink ferries blissfully plying their trade with no regard to which bits of plastic they ram.

Probably why I avoid the place except for the occasional lunch stop at Mercury, although that's not quite as good as it was before the change of whoever produces the food. Their chunky chips are sadly below par.

Mind you if you get above the motorway bridge you enter a realm of peace and serenity. Lovely place to anchor up for a picnic lunch and a glass or two of something red :) And the big boys leave you in peace as they either run aground or get stuck under the bridge before getting that far :D


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10 Jul 2005
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Hamble away from weekends is ok really of course.

Like big boys driving in the fast lane though, I find the trick is just to chug along sloowly, they all speed up and disappear ahead!