Rules 50.2 Spinnaker Poles...


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13 Jan 2010
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Reading some of the files linked from the "Rules is rules..." thread I found RRS20132016StudyVersion-[13380].pdf which has the following :

50.2 Spinnaker Poles; Whisker Poles
Only one spinnaker pole or whisker pole shall be used at a time except when gybing. When in use, it shall be attached to the foremost mast.

Does this mean you are not allowed to have a whisker pole as well as a spinnaker pole ? How do you pole out the guy when the spi pole is well forward ? Or do those guy-poles come under outriggers (I'd have called them whisker poles) ? The video of Gitana here shows her with 2 spi poled apparently fitted does she race under different rules ?

The rule does not seem to define "when gybing" so if you are short handed how long do you have to drop the 2nd spi pole after the gybe is complete ?




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13 Dec 2002
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~What are you calling a whisker pole? A pole to boom out a jib clew? (Which is what I think of as a whisker pole).
I call a pole to keep the guy off the shrouds a jockey pole. Guys aren't sheets; the RRS don't worry about guys and jockey poles.


The outriggers on IMOCA 60s are deck spreaders - they're for the shrouds. Their class rules amend 50 to allow sheeting to a them.

The VOR65s had spinnaker sheet outriggers that were attached to the boat (not the mast). Again, class rules amended 50 to permit their use.

In terms of time to drop the second pole when gybing (how many people nowdays have actually done a twin pole gybe on a yacht?), the test would be are you being reasonable in the timeliness of dropping the second pole (subject to all ususal constraints about average crewing ability etc).