Routing, Para\'s short-cut and motorboating
A bad day for the Bermuda Tourist Authority - para fancies going straight to the Azores. Or at least he wants that to be an option.
This is fine by me - sensibly, it means that the the "Everything's Going Well" option will be to miss bermuda (fnarr) and go direct to the azores. Gear breakage or -worse- finding a bad pie means we go into bermuda. Thus the first two days stay NE or even NNE to allow us to continue to Bermuda...
We may have to go reasonably northish to find some wind anyway, though. The books harp on about this ad nauseam, with the southern route being direct but the northerly route faster etc etc.
So, turning to page 108 in the Jimi Cornell hymn book shows route number AN79 lesser antilles to the azores. Which confim that this saves 500 miles ish, and is especially used by people in a hurry. Head NE from st martin, and winds likely increase...until they go a bit quiet... But it says April is a bit early with possible atlantic gales, whereas May likley best. Hm. Well, late april i suppose is nearly May, and (say) friday 27th is the next to last business day of April....
It also says you need a powerful engine, and we've got two. Albeit not that powerful.
Significant motorboating means we need plenty of fuel and i have already got ( ithink) about 80 litres of jerrycans. Need to check for or buy a big funnel.
Just as important,we need to make darn sure the watermaker can reliably make loads of water. The poker-playing begins with then deciding whethr to run water tanks nearly-full (so if it breaks we still have loads of water) ...or running with tanks nearly-empty to save fuel and/or increase speed. A full tank of water is over half a ton and will cost a bit of speed/range. I suppose best start with the fuller option and move to the emptier policy closer to azores - note there is approx 150litres bottles water on board...
A bad day for the Bermuda Tourist Authority - para fancies going straight to the Azores. Or at least he wants that to be an option.
This is fine by me - sensibly, it means that the the "Everything's Going Well" option will be to miss bermuda (fnarr) and go direct to the azores. Gear breakage or -worse- finding a bad pie means we go into bermuda. Thus the first two days stay NE or even NNE to allow us to continue to Bermuda...
We may have to go reasonably northish to find some wind anyway, though. The books harp on about this ad nauseam, with the southern route being direct but the northerly route faster etc etc.
So, turning to page 108 in the Jimi Cornell hymn book shows route number AN79 lesser antilles to the azores. Which confim that this saves 500 miles ish, and is especially used by people in a hurry. Head NE from st martin, and winds likely increase...until they go a bit quiet... But it says April is a bit early with possible atlantic gales, whereas May likley best. Hm. Well, late april i suppose is nearly May, and (say) friday 27th is the next to last business day of April....
It also says you need a powerful engine, and we've got two. Albeit not that powerful.
Significant motorboating means we need plenty of fuel and i have already got ( ithink) about 80 litres of jerrycans. Need to check for or buy a big funnel.
Just as important,we need to make darn sure the watermaker can reliably make loads of water. The poker-playing begins with then deciding whethr to run water tanks nearly-full (so if it breaks we still have loads of water) ...or running with tanks nearly-empty to save fuel and/or increase speed. A full tank of water is over half a ton and will cost a bit of speed/range. I suppose best start with the fuller option and move to the emptier policy closer to azores - note there is approx 150litres bottles water on board...