Round Britain day 62


Well-known member
16 Jul 2014
Chatham Maritime Marina
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No rush to leave today as only 27 miles to cover. After the walk to the top of the hill, I returned to Concerto and found my neighbour trying to add a crane for his outboard on his radar mast. Once clamped with bolts he then tried to add some large rivets. His pop rivet gun was not up to the job so I lent him my more powerful rivet gun. Made easy work of it, for which he was very grateful.

After some lunch I decided it was time to move at 13.30, even though it was not ideal tidally but the tides are weak. Once clear of the North Channel used by the ferries, I raised the mainsail, along with several other yachts. All of these were only travelling short distances to anchorages close by. The wind was just off the starboard bow, and as I could not be bothered to face another beat, I motor sailed. As the Isle of Kerrera ended on the starboard side, there was quite a chop coming in. The course meant I was now head to wind, so I eased off to about 10 degrees off to port to keep some shape in the fully battened sail. The chop was slowing the boat using 2200 revs, so I increased it to 2500, both these things meant the speed increased by a knot, so it was worth it. The wind was cold so I was in full oil skins as usual. Once I reached Easdale Island I could free sheets and unfurled the genoa as well and I switched off old faithful. I was now sailing faster that I had been motoring, wonderful and the sun was out. It became a lot warmer and shock horror, I took off my oil skin jacket.

As I passed down the west side of Luing in the Sound of Luing, the course kept easing as I approached the pennisular to round into Loch Craignish to head to Ardfern Marina. It ended up as a reach in a lighter wind, but sailing with land either side made it interesting. Near the marina I dispensed with the sails and tried calling the marina on VHF, and despite it being nearly 6.30, I got a reply to my surprise as they close at 5. Once moored up, I was approached by forumite Dundine (? spelling) who was also a Cruising Association member. It was nice to chat to someone different, who also used to own a Fulmar.

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A majestic home facing the Isle of Kerrera

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A dramatic backdrop to these moorings

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A tranquil place to live on Kerrera

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Small boatyard on the mainland on Kerrera Sound

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A navigation light near the southern end of Keerera Sound

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Stunning scenery like this is common

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A yacht sailing up the Sound of Luing

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Rounding the penninsula into Loch Craignish

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Look shadows on deck, the sun was out.

RB Map 18 B.jpg

For anyone wanting to read the reports from the start, this is the link to first one.
Round Britian day 1
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Well-known member
21 Jul 2009
East Coast
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Awesome vistas as usual :)

When you come back to our Thames Estuary sailing, all you have will be big skies to look at. Still . they can still be very nice.


Well-known member
16 Jul 2014
Chatham Maritime Marina
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Today I stayed in Ardfern and met with Wully1 of this parish. We had arranged to go on a bike ride together at 10.30, both on our electric bikes. Firstly he took me to the old ferry pier near the tip of the pennisula, the ferry used to connect to Jura. This ride was basically on the flat and easy to cycle. Then we went back to Ardfern and started climbing the hill to reach Craobh Marina. It started on tarmac and became a rough track suitable for 4x4's only. It was steep and at times I used a lot of assistance in the lowest gear (out of 8) and trying to miss some fairly large pot holes and rocks. The far side was a quick drop down to the village and marina. I forgot to take a few photos. Naughty boy, slapped wrist. Then we faced the climb back up the track, but this side was steeper, so took more effort and assistance.

We were going to stop at the local cafe, but they had no spare tables. Instead we purchased a couple of their massive sausage rolls to take back to Concerto. Sitting in the cockpit was lovely, each of us with a can of alcoholic beverage in hand and sausage roll. Wully1 has a Westerly Storm and was not keen to try some of the things I have done to Concerto until I demonstrated or talked about several things and he said they would now be near the top of his list to tackle this winter.

I had a great bike ride, we covered only 12 miles, and Wully1 has been inspired from looking at Concerto. Both of us found it was a successful meeting and he left at 16.30. Then I went and paid the marina charges and looked round their very well stocked chandlery. Naturally I bought a few bits and pieces before they nearly threw me out as they wanted to close at 5.30.

Back at the boat, I had left my bike parked alongside so I could do another check on all the connections on the new water system I installed before starting this trip. It looks like I have now stopped any slight weeps.

My bike keeps getting attention. It happened at the cafe when a table of 4 asked me about it. Then again on the pontoon. This time there was a twist when we started talking about Concerto, as they said their boat was older. To my surprise they said they had a Northerny 34, but my parents fitted one out in the late 1960's and when I mentioned the name of Tarantara they though she may still be in Croabh marina as she was berthed there last year. What a small world. No, I am not going over that hill just to check.

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Ardfern Marina in the distance

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The old ferry pier

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View inland at the top of the hill

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How would you like this view? There are 2 building plots with planning permission for sale at present. Finders fee for me requested.

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Ardfern Marina

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Some of the moorings close to the marina

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A different view of the moorings with the marina in the distance

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A closer look at some of the marina with Concerto in the lower left corner

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The shoreside facilities of the marina


Well-known member
20 Oct 2004
Up some Hebridean loch
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I'm sure meeting Dundooin and Wooley was smashing, but they are just commoners. Was HRH in residence? Did she invite you on board round hers for a cup of char and a chinwag with all the latest goss on Hazzer and Megs? :)

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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I like Croabh. Unlike you, I got to eat at the restaurant there. But like you I found it a small world. I was speaking to a lady who, like me, owned a squib. I mentioned a squib open meeting at my club & she had attended only 2 weeks earlier. She had stayed in my mate's house less than 100 yds from where I live. We talked for so long that I had not noticed that they had forgotten to serve me my meal & were closing the kitchen. When someone realised the mistake, they quickly rustled up a huge meal. Different from what I had ordered, but tasty all the same. Made tastier by the fact they refused payment


Well-known member
18 Jul 2020
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Great photos and it must be nice to enjoy the views rather than battling the elements.

How did you get the information and confidence to get that close in to the coast? I am a bit wary of Navionics and my plotter as they sometimes miss very near shore rocks (observations from anchoring in little used spots).


Well-known member
27 Aug 2002
west coast of Scotland
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Great photos and it must be nice to enjoy the views rather than battling the elements.

How did you get the information and confidence to get that close in to the coast? I am a bit wary of Navionics and my plotter as they sometimes miss very near shore rocks (observations from anchoring in little used spots).

Round these parts you are ‘generally’ safe a literal stones throw from the shore.

But don’t come crying to me if you have an interface with the geology.....


Well-known member
3 Feb 2004
Boat (over winters in) the Clyde
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Round these parts you are ‘generally’ safe a literal stones throw from the shore.

But don’t come crying to me if you have an interface with the geology.....
Well ...... sometimes. And other times there are offlying unmarked rocks, many of which are surveyed, ir rather found, rather expensively with peoples keels.
Plenty of off-lying boulders and rock pinnacles.


Well-known member
16 Jul 2014
Chatham Maritime Marina
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Great photos and it must be nice to enjoy the views rather than battling the elements.

How did you get the information and confidence to get that close in to the coast? I am a bit wary of Navionics and my plotter as they sometimes miss very near shore rocks (observations from anchoring in little used spots).
Keeping an eye of the echo sounder is the best bet. When the reading keeps dropping, note how fast the change is. That indicates how steep the bottom is rising. Keep checking constantly and if dropping fast, then move away from the rocks. The chart plotter will show how steep the rocks are dropping from shore/ If there is little blue of any colour along a rock face, you know you can get close. Most of the uncharted rocks I have been told are in shallower water. There are a few rock pinnacles, but it depends on the type of rock. The rock formations I passed going to Gigha were not a jumble of stone, hence why I could stay close and cheat the tide.


Well-known member
18 Jul 2020
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I understand and some local experience helps. You are right about a lot of the shoreline where it goes deep very quickly. To illustrate my unease, I anchored at Seal Cove (Lambay Island) and was surprised when this uncovered in the morning! not underneath me!