Rouen to Le Harve....


11 Nov 2007
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sounds like i was lucky... 6kts would have been a disaster... Honfleur is not open lw +-2 hrs according to my guide.

Next is across the channel on Wednesday,... a 5 AM start :) still at least the tide is less of a problem!


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30 Jun 2002
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sounds like i was lucky... 6kts would have been a disaster... Honfleur is not open lw +-2 hrs according to my guide.

Next is across the channel on Wednesday,... a 5 AM start :) still at least the tide is less of a problem!

How old is your guide? Honfleur is fully locked now and opens at every state of tide when there is enough water in the approach. If you have a deep keel you may have a problem but with my MoBo I entered OK at low water having timed my trip down from Rouen to arrive before the tide turned. Didn't check water depth but with 1.2 metres draught I was well clear.


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11 Jun 2001
Inland France + Oxon.
This is a big tidal and non-tidal river, with significant commercial traffic and various snags and hazards. There's nothing 'grey' about pleasure craft not being allowed to navigate during the hours of darkness and (.eu) does not say they are. Proper information - charts and detailed guidance - is important. The latest 158pp Breil guide to the Lower Seine is both clear and detailed on all the points of speculation here (sorry, only just caught up with the thread). Much more detailed than the single FW website page can possibly be and that's why we strongly (that's, strongly) recommend getting it.
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11 Nov 2007
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Well I was told I MUST CALL on vhf 73 before I left... I did 3 times.... nothing other than static heard... i left vhf on 73 all the way down, heard some bits and bobs of traffic, but not much.... not sure what would have happened if I had tried in the dark.... I just stayed over to the side, and kept a good watch down and upstream


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9 Aug 2010
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Many years ago I had to descend from Rouan to le Havre. Tides gave me no other alternative as to start very early in the morning. Dark.
I knew navigating was forbidden, had no other choice.
We sail a wooden boat, wooden spars, not visible on radar when I take away the reflector.
Masts ware down so no reflector.
Whilst still in Rouan harbour I almost had an accident.
Between all the lights on shore I did not see the stern light of a real big coaster who was manoeuvring backwards into the harbour. I only noticed the ship when part of the shore lights ware suddenly blocked. I have a very experienced guardian angel.
GPS and plotters ware unknown in those days.


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30 Jun 2002
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Well I was told I MUST CALL on vhf 73 before I left... I did 3 times.... nothing other than static heard... i left vhf on 73 all the way down, heard some bits and bobs of traffic, but not much.... not sure what would have happened if I had tried in the dark.... I just stayed over to the side, and kept a good watch down and upstream

Well you are not alone in that Windy. I tried calling VHF channel 73 several times. No answer at all. Nav Fluviale is insistent you call but no response. Probably typical of the French. I enjoy them greatly and find them quite charming on a one to one basis but they are world famous for having rules and regulations that no one follows..... And before I get protests, I tried in French and English on the way up and on the way down and I am quite sure my VHF was working as I tried on my main set and my portable.


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11 Jun 2001
Inland France + Oxon.
Ch #73
Interesting. Who told you this, where did you read it? (do you mean Fluviacarte?).
I've checked both Breil and Fluviacarte. Both say that a listening watch should ideally be kept on Ch.73, because that's what Rouen port control uses to communicate with commercial barges/ships. It is a 'work' frequency but port control also uses it to disseminate information, especially about vessels constrained by draught.
" . . Beware, Ch 73 is a work frequency. Communications must be restricted to questions affecting navigation . . "
The Rouen port control offices are very close to the port de plaisance in Rouen - In the past I have called in to check my tide calcs, they were friendly and helpful face-to-face (even though there was a numpty pleasure boater at the counter). Possibly, as perhaps an obvious plaisancier, your communications were noted - or not - but in the great scheme of things you are maybe not the most important floating thing on the river. Under 20m length one is not obliged to have a VHF set anyway - obviously it's pretty/very important to have one, but nevertheless . . .
I'm very happy to be corrected (cite me these alleged ignored rules or regulations!), but that's what the guide books say - and I've never myself encountered a requirement to call Ch 73, nor have I done so.


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30 Jun 2002
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Ch #73
Interesting. Who told you this, where did you read it? (do you mean Fluviacarte?).
I've checked both Breil and Fluviacarte. Both say that a listening watch should ideally be kept on Ch.73, because that's what Rouen port control uses to communicate with commercial barges/ships. It is a 'work' frequency but port control also uses it to disseminate information, especially about vessels constrained by draught.
" . . Beware, Ch 73 is a work frequency. Communications must be restricted to questions affecting navigation . . "
The Rouen port control offices are very close to the port de plaisance in Rouen - In the past I have called in to check my tide calcs, they were friendly and helpful face-to-face (even though there was a numpty pleasure boater at the counter). Possibly, as perhaps an obvious plaisancier, your communications were noted - or not - but in the great scheme of things you are maybe not the most important floating thing on the river. Under 20m length one is not obliged to have a VHF set anyway - obviously it's pretty/very important to have one, but nevertheless . . .
I'm very happy to be corrected (cite me these alleged ignored rules or regulations!), but that's what the guide books say - and I've never myself encountered a requirement to call Ch 73, nor have I done so.

Grehan I owe you an apology. I was talking from memory and totally wrong. When Windy Stu mentioned channel 73 it rang a bell and I thought I remembered the instruction to call 73 in my Navigation Fluviale. Having read it through again there is no such instruction and the only reference I found to informing Rouen port control of your intentions was in one of my rather out of date guide books. What I actually did was keep a dual listening watch on 16 and 73. I called a couple of times on 73 on the way up and down, heard nothing so carried on regardless. You are therefore totally correct and my apology is also due to any other readers that were mislead.


11 Nov 2007
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Well the captinere at Rouen told me i had to call on 73 and there is a big notice in the office saying the same... he seemed amazed that i didnt know you where supposed to do it... and it was Rouen port control i tried... to be fair I cant speak French, I just assumed they didnt want to speak to an ignorant Englishman :)... which frankly is fair enough... had the same at nearly every lock... call em on VHF... no response...( well maybe one or do did, but not many ) em on the phone... hey presto they are there :)


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30 Jun 2002
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I think you are also right stu that the little hut outside rouens pontoon had something to this effect. It is also mentioned in a pilot book that I have but the carte fluvial which is the bible effectively only says keep a listening watch.