New member
Bit of a long shot this. Steadfast has a non turbo 1950's vintage Rolls Royce C series engine. It runs sweetly but it's not a marine variant and marine Rolls Royce engines are as rare as hens teeth. my engine is keel cooled so the absence of a marine heat exchanger is not an issue, but I would really like to find a water cooled exhaust manifold for it. Frustratingly I recently came across a pair of naturally aspirated Rolls C series marine engines stood near a boat yard in Southampton. I tracked down the owner who told me they were going to scrap and if I could better the scrap value, which he estimated to be a couple of hundred pounds each, I could have one or both of them. I explained that I didn't have the means to move or store them but would gladly give him a £100 for an exhaust manifold and he could still sell them for scrap less the 20 kilos or so that the manifold weighed (40 pence worth if his estimate of £200 a ton was correct) I'd have probably given more than £100 if he'd haggled but he said no, take a whole engine or none at all. a couple of weeks later they were gone with the owner refusing to tell me who took them. I'd still love to find a water cooled manifold for the engine for the reduction in noise and engine room temperature it would provide, so if any forum member knows where to find one I'd be so grateful