Rigger Mortice
Of course there is now the fact that he appears to have dropped his original standards, this is not good enough for me! I have been trying to get a refund but so far the Chandlery are asking for me to wait until the situation becomes clearer. As I enjoy doing business with the Chandlery I will wait for a while but I am clear that I expect a refund. CMP are apparently still not making it clear to the retailers exactly what is going to happen for customers like me who will not accept a 620 as a replacement. I know my statutory rights and will exercise them if needs be but the Chandlery have expressed their concerns that it could possibly put them out of business.
FWIW I think that is exactly the right approach. Your chandlers probably had no part to play in all this mess and it hardly seems fair for them to have to pick up the tab. However, it's not fair for you to have to pick it up either. A 620 grade is not what you were promised.
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