RM69 Toilet Problem - Follow Up


New member
15 Aug 2006
Liveaboard - following the sun!
A few months back I posted about problems with my RM69 toilet. (Basically I couldn't get any flush water through)

I tried new seals, olive oil in the pump, filling the bowl and pumping etc etc - all to no success

I decided on a new pump (around £75 from UK chandlers). I then checked the RM69 website and they sent me a new pump unit complete including next day postage from Holland for £50! Very good value compared to the cheapest UK place at £75 plus postage.

Anyway, took the old pump out, connected the hoses to the new one and it worked on the first stroke of the handle!

Still not sure why the old one didn't work (perhaps the pump housing had been worn away inside so the plunger no longer made a tight fit?) but all's well that ends well.

For the sake of another £50 I may spare the two weekends of messing with the other non-servicing RM69 unit I have and get another pump and simply invest 5 mins with jubilee clips and a screw driver!



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18 Apr 2005
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Good tip about ordering direct. I have twice bought complete new heads because it was only a few pounds dearer than a parts kit for RM69 - then I keep the old ones as spares.

I doubt that an eroded cylinder would have caused the old one to fail though. As our old heads got worn we got less efficiency, but (unless the O ring was useless) you still get a result - just needs more effort. So I think there must have been another problem somewhere.


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21 Dec 2002
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I would recommend any other toilet but an RM69. I bought one that within a year ended up with cracks in every plastic part. The seat cracks gripped you so tighly that it drew blood.

Living on the boat at the time I bought replacements and on my return to the UK sent the parts to RM in Holland. They replied that there was no fault in the plastic formulation or molding even thought I had shrinkage cracks in about a dozen places on three seperate parts.

To cap it all they refused to return my parts so that I could take anyone to court. And they failed to reply to any letters.

Luckily Cruisermart gave me another set of replacement parts and I was very happy with that company.

My later boat had a RM 69 'bilge pump' which after having to clean its valves everytime I emptied the holding tank with it. It has been replaced with a simple Plastimo and after five years has never been opened and works without problem everytime.

But I will never trust RM69 for anything and tell anyone considering any of their products what sort of company you will be patronising.