New member
This Sat & Sun, (3rd, 4th), H M Barque Endeavour and the Replica Russian frigate Shtandart are sailing into Hartlepool Marina for their biggest ever Maritime Festival. They are going to engage each other with full broadsides off Redcar at around 0900hrs then again just off the marina entrance at about 1200hrs. There then follows a weekend of revelry with street markets, live music, fun fair, battle re-enactments aboard and around HMS Trincomalee, (our own restored Frigate built in 1817). Displays by just about everyone with anything to do with the sea, All are welcome, with the more the merrier. Regards, Mike.
<hr width=100% size=1>My Mum say's I'm not a fat b@st@rd, just heavy boned.
<hr width=100% size=1>My Mum say's I'm not a fat b@st@rd, just heavy boned.