Report released on Condor ferry crash



The problem is how slow would you have to go on the ferry to be safe? If you dropped from 37 to 20 knots I'm not sure it would have made any difference to the final impact.


Not a problem, you go at speed that allows you to avoid a collision based on how far you can see. If visibility is 500yds, you go at a speed allowing you to think and stop within that.


Nevetheless, the fishing boat apparently had no radar lookout either and was in the path of a fast ferry running to timetable, which means its captain shares blame

This is the second such comment in this thread, trawler skipper should have known the ferry timetable and exact route.

Really, because if this is what people are suggesting then we are all culpable unless we enter every timetabled ship movement in a log before setting out. This is just infeasible.