Funny how you build up mental images of forumites, and then when you see them in the flesh (or in this case, on the box) they look nothing like the image!
Seeing as someone has opened another thread, I will double post here.
Brilliant and it was a master stroke to get Jeffrey Archer to play the part of Gludy. At first I thought it was Harry Enfield, but it was definately Lord Archer.
I agree, nice to put a FACE on Forumites.
Pretty extreme way to do it this time though.
A First for the Ratbag to "claim" so much money!
A First for Me to tape summatt!
Big AV thingy in Blue on the top ;left hand corner of the screen though, Oops!
Rodent didn,t really Get To It, bit of nice Telly though I suppose.
At least the Ferret mentioned Names and Tarquin Boat Co did not show up in a good light.
What influence the Programme had in the overall "Gludy Factor"/ "Tarquin/ Sketch Who knows?
Anyway DAKA has a tape on His way to Him tommorow.
Gludy--- I think You are quite Photogenic (well SWMBO says!)
Gludy--- I have followed the Saga with Amazement and Awe.
I admire Your tenacity and patience.
Let them have their moment of victory. They took Gludy's story and didn't take the P out of him for being wealthy, which would have tempted some other consumer programmes. Tarquin was aware that The Ferret was ferreting, so may have helped them make the right decision.
I was however disappointed that they didn't get a result for the lad who got a £30 fixed penalty for going around a roundabout that was signed as a no U Turn between 7PM and 7AM. I am sure that the sign was illegal as it was not clear that it was banning drivers from effectively taking the third exit, but allowing you to take the first and second. A consumer programme with any bite would have been digging a little further rather than meekly accepting a weak explanation from the Heddlu and council.
It was a badly singed restriction that should be properly challenged. I can understand why the restriction is in place, to stop boy cruisers, but it should be signed another way.
Exactly , I do think some of the pressure came from here but mostly down to his determination to get a result , which was clearly demonstrated on here by continual updates on the unfolding story . I do however think it's a mistake to assume that someone's wealthy just because they have an expensive boat . Good on yer Paul , and hope it all comes out good in the end , which we still haven't seen yet so I'll reserve celebrations for now
I get the impression that all 'yachtsmen' are fabulously wealthy in the eyes of the landlubberly popular press and TV stations - doesnt matter if said yotties potter about in a Debutante or stomp around showing off in a Sunseeker, or if they are anybody in between.
The final chapter in this OD saga still has not been written though, so one shouldnt start celebrating too early..... Tarquin might try to pull aces from up their sleeves....
SWMBO thought it was J Archer.
Then She thought again--- "But The Archers are on Radio aren,t they?" She queried.
"It,s Harry Enfield love" I explained.
"Oh! I see" She said.
"Is He related to the Queen?"
"Whhaat" says I.
"Well You did have a 250cc Royal Enfield Years ago"!
See what I have to deal with.
It,s dammned hard work Married to a Welsh Farmers Daughter.
Hope the Reading of The Will, will make the last 30 Years seem worthwhile!!!
Somehow the thought of Gludy at the helm of Miss Ellie is quite amusing /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif can't see it myself /forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif