Raspberry Pi


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24 Feb 2003
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Knowing the header will attract Paddy, is this what I should be getting please? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Raspberry-...6546&s=gateway&sprefix=raspber,aps,183&sr=8-3
Can it act as a an access point? The issue I have here is that to connect certain devices to the wifi I need a browser to authenticate the connection. So, if I connected a pi to the wifi could I then use it as an access point to rebroadcast the connection so that I can connect my device through the pi?


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6 Apr 2011
London / Gosport
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Knowing the header will attract Paddy, is this what I should be getting please?

I can't do the accent or the rope magic but I'll try and act as a substitute. "yes" and "yes". A few years back I wrote a tutorial on how to build an access point and NMEA hub out of a pi but your target responder would reply with "openplotter can do that" and frankly that's probably your best/easiest course.

When set up to re-broadcast a wifi signal anything coming through it from "inside" looks like it's coming from the pi itself so you should have no problem with authenticating from a laptop browser through it.

I abandoned pi access points because performance was frankly rubbish but I confess I haven't played with the latest generation which I would expect to be somewhat better
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24 Feb 2003
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I can't do the accent or the rope magic but I'll try and act as a substitute. "yes" and "yes". A few years back I wrote a tutorial on how to build an access point and NMEA hub out of a pi but your target responder would reply with "openplotter can do that" and frankly that's probably your best/easiest course.

When set up to re-broadcast a wifi signal anything coming through it from "inside" looks like it's coming from the pi itself so you should have no problem with authenticating from a laptop browser through it.

I abandoned pi access points because there performance was frankly rubbish but I confess I haven't played with the latest generation which I would expect to be somewhat better
Ta v much, so in theory, yes. Wont be boaty stuff, more like films


Well-known member
6 Apr 2011
London / Gosport
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Ta v much, so in theory, yes. Wont be boaty stuff, more like films

In theory yes. In practice yes. I might personally investigate portable 12v travel routers as a simpler / possibly better performant alternative though but I would bet a beer that Paddy would steer you to openplotter..


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26 Jun 2013
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Knowing the header will attract Paddy, is this what I should be getting please? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Raspberry-...6546&s=gateway&sprefix=raspber,aps,183&sr=8-3
Can it act as a an access point? The issue I have here is that to connect certain devices to the wifi I need a browser to authenticate the connection. So, if I connected a pi to the wifi could I then use it as an access point to rebroadcast the connection so that I can connect my device through the pi?

That would do it, the Pi3B pulss a little less power and is equally up to the job. It can use the inbuilt wifi to both log on to an existing network and create its own network - just tired on both , laptop straight into mobile phone with nos data sim>


And same but logged onto openplotter network which is in turn connected to the same mobile >


Plenty fast enough for youtube or your favorite video hub... istr when NOS is faster the Pi might throttle at about 4mbps.

The inbuilt wifi chip isn't very powerful though, fine for a moble nearby but for marina wifi an external usb dongle might be better. Openplotter makes it simple to set up.
8Gb sd card prob be OK but 16Gb lets you have a load of charts on the as well. The Pi needs a good 5v power supply as well, cheapo cig lighter-usb ones might cause a few probs.