Radar training


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28 Dec 2016
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If you're simply looking to set up a guard zone and alarm, you probably wouldn't need to read a book or attend a course, but you'd need to understand the effects of sea clutter etc. If you want to safely plot targets that enter that zone, I think you'd struggle to self teach yourself. We use a Halo20 connected to a Zeus 3s and it's a user friendly system, but I'd definitely recommend spending the time to interrogate all of the menus before setting off in the fog!

Radar doesn't actually crop up in a YM Offshore exam but the day long course is recommended for as part of the syllabus. It goes through plotting in detail, but the simulator used could do with updating - it's very basic. Onboard training is the way to go for radar IMO.

Was mentioned on the course that a lot of YM examiners currently doing it - bit more of a focus perhaps?