Bosun Higgs
Granny and eggs!Actually the same heeling moment </pedant>
Un-reefed, less force, higher up, unless the top of the main is doing nothing? And if the top flogs at all it will be adding drag as well as heeling moment.
So maybe it depends whether the top will feather smoothly without flogging in a draggy way? Some sails seem better than others like this? Full length battens a good thing?
Another thought is that in some races, it's better to have a reefed rig, so you can confidently work tactically instead of e.g. not wanting to tack right now I'll just get through this gust.....?
While other windy races are less tactical?
The debate only really comes to a head on a fractional rig. Sure you can bend the mast a bit on a masthead rig but it isnt that much and doesnt give anything like the same depowering as on a fractional. So the comparison is reefing against a stalled main. I have never had a FB main but I a told that they arent that easy to depower. Certainly with a short battened main and a masthead rig I find it better to put a reef in than fight the main with too much rudder angle and leeway. The boat is still beautifully balanced with full genoa and reefed main at least until no 3 reef
When I did have a fractional fairly tippy boat prone to rounding up, I was surprised how effective the backstay tensioner could be and in a seaway it was definitely better to keep the main fully up as long as possible. The bottom of a decent swell would de-power a reefed main too much and the jib wasnt any help. On one occasion with a F8 broad reach and big rollers tramping up the bristol channel, I ended up having to motorsail because the reefed main lost all drive in the troughs.