Quiet estuary

steve yates

Well-known member
16 Oct 2014
Benfleet, Essex/Keswick, Cumbria
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The great thing about midweek winter, you get everywhere to yourself.
Went to Rowhedge from Benfleet a couple of days ago, via midfle deep, then yesterday from Rowhedge to anchor behind the sandbank just east of harty ferry, via sw sunk, black deep, knock john and across middle sands. 2 12hr days and a smidgen under 100NM, and not one single yacht or pleasure boat have I seen out and about. Its been quite refreshing :)

I have the anchorage to myself and as I'm a bit jiggered from the previous two days, I’m chilling here till tomorrow to enjoy the peace.
(Actually i would go up the oare or conyer but both high tides are in the dark and i dont fancy either creek without some light to see) Then I’ll head over to Quenborough, which will be a resl test, see if that is quiet too!


Well-known member
16 Jul 2014
Chatham Maritime Marina
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There is nothing like having a deserted anchorage to yourself. You are sailing in a quiet time of year as so many yachts are now ashore. You can have some beautiful sailing days at this time of year, although can be quite cold with a breeze. In the past I have sailed when the heavy frost had to be washed off the decks and sailed in a snow storm.

One of the magical sails I had was a few years ago when heading up the Medway in a faltering breeze with the tide with me. In 8+ miles there had been no other movement on the river. Luckily I had taken a number of short videos of the experience and have been edited and is on YouTube. It is still my favourite video as the conditions were so rare.

Steve, make sure you moor alongside the all tide landing pontoon in Queenborough. Then you can walk ashore and visit the pubs and local shops. You should enjoy your visit.


Well-known member
21 Jul 2009
East Coast
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The great thing about midweek winter, you get everywhere to yourself.
Went to Rowhedge from Benfleet a couple of days ago, via midfle deep, then yesterday from Rowhedge to anchor behind the sandbank just east of harty ferry, via sw sunk, black deep, knock john and across middle sands. 2 12hr days and a smidgen under 100NM, and not one single yacht or pleasure boat have I seen out and about. Its been quite refreshing :)

I have the anchorage to myself and as I'm a bit jiggered from the previous two days, I’m chilling here till tomorrow to enjoy the peace.
(Actually i would go up the oare or conyer but both high tides are in the dark and i dont fancy either creek without some light to see) Then I’ll head over to Quenborough, which will be a resl test, see if that is quiet too!

I take it you have a really nice heater onboard or are you ex SAS. ?

Looks like that's a Leisure 20 ? Fond memories when I had one.

steve yates

Well-known member
16 Oct 2014
Benfleet, Essex/Keswick, Cumbria
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I take it you have a really nice heater onboard or are you ex SAS. ?

Looks like that's a Leisure 20 ? Fond memories when I had one.
Its a bradwell 18, and i have the luxury of a deisel heater aboard. Only runs for 15 mins on arrival then cabin gets too hot :)
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steve yates

Well-known member
16 Oct 2014
Benfleet, Essex/Keswick, Cumbria
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Now in faversham enjoying a pint in the anchor, after leaving her on a random mooring in the swale. Anchor held well all fri night thro a 6 gusting 7, tho was prob 5 gusting 6 for a majority.
Was all good there until i went to leave, just after getting anchor up i was aground, engine gone, (fuel pump fitting snapped, 2nd time!) , then i was off under genny, but as wind had moderated i wanted main up as tide was ebbing fast. Forecast was f5 so was reefing main, but sail track gate wouldnt come out ( its roller reefing) then furling line came off drum and snarled big time with flogging genny. Hey ho, a series of small issues in half an hour had me looking like a twat. Sailed onto a mooring, tied the genny up and stripped off the furler line and redid it. Bodged a fix fir fuel line with a piece of plastic pipe but it cut out a couple of times. Got onto next mooring and it cut out again, then i snapped the pipe trying to lag it.
Put the boat to bed and had a brew and a think. Looked a bit spicy going long way round sheppey under sail, didnt fancy going thro the swing bridge under sail, id end up demasted waiting for them!
The Oare looked feasible in the morning but the guy at the moorings was dubious about my chances of sailing into the tight berth available, so I arranged a lift for this morning from iron wharf. Must be home mon for wifes scan results so that works. Went to bed and had an undisturbed sleep, I might rethink my preference for anchoring to taking moorings :) She’ll pick me up today, i’ll get the part monday hopefully and she’ll drop me back tuesday, iron whatf will run me back to bethfran, i’ll fit it and carry on. Thats the theory anyway :)

steve yates

Well-known member
16 Oct 2014
Benfleet, Essex/Keswick, Cumbria
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Thank you for that offer, but got her on the move again. Picked up a new fuel pipe attachment, which is a bit oversized but some cable ties seemed to sort that out And it ran fine to queenborough. Still quiet but am rafted at the atl as some 70 footer is coming in.


29 May 2019
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There is nothing like having a deserted anchorage to yourself. You are sailing in a quiet time of year as so many yachts are now ashore. You can have some beautiful sailing days at this time of year, although can be quite cold with a breeze. In the past I have sailed when the heavy frost had to be washed off the decks and sailed in a snow storm.

One of the magical sails I had was a few years ago when heading up the Medway in a faltering breeze with the tide with me. In 8+ miles there had been no other movement on the river. Luckily I had taken a number of short videos of the experience and have been edited and is on YouTube. It is still my favourite video as the conditions were so rare.

Steve, make sure you moor alongside the all tide landing pontoon in Queenborough. Then you can walk ashore and visit the pubs and local shops. You should enjoy your visit.

Wondered what that strange bird call was, then realised it’s the mating call of the Tillerpilot bird ?