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Robert Wilson

Well-known member
23 May 2012
Second Coast, Ross-shire, overlooking Gruinard Bay
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Didn't realise it was 2 years since I posted this !


And neither did I (realise it's two years!)

I'm still here, with currently no plans for "sailing off" due in the main to having just got a new labrador puppy. He's taking to the boat well but will be a good year yet before we can live happily aboard together.

Being realistic, I now can't see me taking the plunge. Sad to lose sight of the dream, but pooch has filled a big void.
However, One never knows..........

Good luck to you, I really hope you get sorted and have a fantastic life "living your dream".
As has often been said, "Life is not a dress rehearsal".


5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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Didn't realise it was 2 years since I posted this !

Handed in my notice earlier this week. This follows a few issues with work and isn't exactly how I wanted things to finish. I might yet consider a claim for constructive dismissal but wanting to look forwards and be positive rather than backwards with bad feeling.

Obviously, we don't know the details but your "looking forward" philosophy is probably a good one as constructive dismissal is, in most cases, easy for an employer to defend and most cases fail because the "breach of contract" bar is high, as will be the stress placed upon you in pursuit of the claim. :(



Well-known member
24 May 2012
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I'm not sure the figures usually add up before you take a leap of faith. If I were you I'd concentrate on the adventure. Money seems to be less important when you're making things happen. And you can always get a bar job here and there to help you along. That can also be a part of the adventure. Who knows who you'll meet?
As they say, as you lie on your death bed looking back, you are NOT going to think to yourself 'I wish I hadn't gone on that crazy, damn-fool adventure with very little money and just a dream of a better life.' No, you're going to chuckle to yourself and say 'wow, that was hairy! I remember that storm in Biscay and the time I ran out of money in... and that night we laughed until dawn, what a ride! Boy, am I glad I chose to live more!'
(...and worry about my insurance policies less).
Have a good one.
Here's a good poem that might help: 'When I am an old woman I shall wear purple,' by Jenny Joseph.
Having said all that, long distance sailing, imho, is better in company. But that's a personal choice.

Your message here is rather at odd with your line on the other active thread on this subject, where you rather give the impression you have yet to take the plunge as a cruising live-aboard, which leaves me slightly confused.


Well-known member
1 Oct 2009
South Coast UK
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Unless you're rich the time/money equation has to be balanced so I'd say if you have a hankering to do it and have the chance then absolutely, go for it. Other major factors affecting budget are how much you drink, whether you smoke & how often you like to eat out. I'm 53 now & plan to at least have a year off when I'm 55, possibly longer if I have the desire & can work the finances. I'd have thought £1k/month will be ok if you cook for yourself most of the time & don't buy 20 fags & a bottle of wine every day. Depending on where you are winter 6 month (Oct-March) marina contracts are usually about 1/3 of the cost of an annual contract so you could afford that. If the boat is unlikely to need major items replaced for a while and you are able & willing (or at least willing to learn) to do repairs yourself but if you can have a contingency fund of several thousand should anything major need replacing. The only other thing I can think of would be where to buy the boat - if you're thinking of the Med, e.g. go there to buy the boat because it'll already be equipped for med sailing. Good luck!


Well-known member
29 Jun 2004
west country uk
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Hurry up and just do it.....currently in turkey and having a ball.been on the go 3 years done most of med with plenty left to see .your never get finances perfect