Puerto Almerimar


14 Feb 2004
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Just arrived at Almerimar to have a look to see if we want to stay for the winter. At the moment I can say that it looks like there's nothing to do here. I think we shall stay a week to get a feel, but am I missing something. I think Categena would be as cheap and as a city have more to offer. What is your experiences of Almerimar and Cartegeha? Any help always appreciated.
If you are here at the moment, pop round for a drink and a chat. We are just by Restaurant Nautico on Spindrift a Moody 42 ketch.


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1 Feb 2010
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We are in Cartagena now. Two Marinas to choose from; we chose the Club Nautico Regatta Carthagena. Looks like I would winter here. Chances are the city will not die fully this winter.



5 May 2010
Cartagena (at last!)
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Cartagena gets my vote too! We were offered a great deal for Almerimar, but we spoke to people there who said it died and any life was a busride away. Cartagena is alive all year round, we wintered in YPC with a 7year old on board, we had plenty to do with the roman ruins, the 3-kings festival, the carnival, the Easter celebrations, food festivals, beer festival (end of October - don't be late!). Great supermarkets, fresh food market, restaurants/cafes everywhere and the best bakery in Spain (Davos)


Well-known member
31 Dec 2007
UK, sometimes Greece and Spain
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Okay it was back in 2010 we over wintered in Almerimar but with that proviso this was our thoughts on it.
When we arrived we were initially not impressed with the concrete jungle that makes up the marina, it appeared souless, but by the end of the first week it won us over and we decided to stay the winter.
Yes there were two British Bars and one Irish Bar, I am aware this does put some off but it did mean I could watch the occasional game of football. The British Bars were more than outweighed by the more than a dozen Spanish bars/restaurants.
The marina also had 3 chandleries, one of which was very good. There were a wide selection of contractors in the marina who could do work on your boat, everything from Stainless steel work to canvas repairs.
There was a radio net each morning.
Almerimar is home to a fair number of sailors who have swallowed the anchor and set up base there. They come in very useful for their knowledge of the area and organising activities. People were offered the chance to go on walks (car pooling with the residents meant we went on some great walks), take part in fitness classes, quiz nights etc. Also Friday nights we all met up in a local bar and had a few drinks and something to eat. Excellent nights and very good fun. Again though none of this was compulsory but in the long winter months it was very useful.
As to the swell, if you were in the outer pontoons you were subject to a lot of wind, but most liveaboards were tucked up well into the marina prtotected by the apartment buildings around you. Very little wind and no swell to speak of.
As to price, including water and electricity, it was significantly cheaper than any where else.
To summarise it was one of the best winters we have had and certainly the best as liveaboards, friends we made there we still have, brilliant times.
We did spend 10 days in Cartagena and saw all the sights there in a few of those days, a nice place, but looking back we were happy with our decision to stay in Almerimar.
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