Well I'd guess that the answer could be that they feel its the wrong profile, or then again perhaps some are two faced! maybe they would rather be 'full on'......okay I give up! - so why don't they fill in their profiles?
I think we went through this a little while back and I concluded it was due to some kind of Brit reserve, paranoia, inferiority complex, bed-wetting or a combination of such.
What has my choice of socks got to do with it .
I like boats ,aint that enough,I dont look at peoples profiles !! and I dont want to know about their bed wetting
NO profile
1 I'm always winding up stinkies and I don't want them chasing me out on the water and making lots of horrible wash & waves when there is little wind!!
Sorry David your reply doesn't wash. Point 1., Us Stinkpotters revel in the banter and rather like Jews we make up jokes about ourselves, you'd be more likely to be hailed and invited aboard for a jar.
Point 2., The profile is stored on the YBW Servers not on your office computer.
There you go - I pass on a compliment, on Valentines day too - and what do I get back? Abuse. Well you've had your last happy birthday from me and no more sympathy when they all get ageist again and start asking about chart toppers when you were born.
What animals eat Pelicans?
Claymore, you could change you piccy to the above animal(when I find out what animal it is) and then you can give Arthur a good Pecking, Biting, General Mauling(what ever the illusive Pelican murderer does to its feathered foes)