Private planes get classed as "special case" for derogation!


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28 Oct 2005
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Re: Private planes get classed as \"special case\" for derogation!

So why are aircraft so often described as "private" when cars, boats and houses are not? !

[/ QUOTE ]

But they are. I often see all those referred to as private. Every budget we hear about "private motorists".

It's an obvious distinction. Public has nothing to do with public ownership - it means anyone can use it simply by turning up at the office or the gate or the kiosk or the stock exchange and offering the right money. If something is private you can't use it, unless you manage to do a private deal with the owner.

Nauti Fox

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28 Oct 2003
Re: Private planes get classed as \"special case\" for derogation!


BTW, aviators never use the slightly snide description "private" appended to any aircraft, any more than they would so refer to your private boats... or cars, or houses, or lawnmowers... What constitutes a Public aircraft? RAF?

I must admit, I don't see what the problem is, I flew private/light aircraft for over twenty years, from homebuilts to twins and never heard anyone have a problem with the term private.


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5 Mar 2007
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Re: Private planes get classed as \"special case\" for derogation!

for those of you who think avgas can only be used in planes. then here is a good use for it even though it is a lot more expensive than pump prices. labled as 100ll ie low lead and high octane it also has a no rot property, this means it is quite safe to keep it in your aeroplane tanks for years and it will be safe to use it. it is also really good for your lawn mower just run your last cut of the season with avgas and your carbs will be as good as new at the start of the next season and the small amount of avgas in the tank will keep good. this also means that your outboard can be run through with avgas but i would check woth your manufacturer first. might be ideal for the smaller cheaper motors. as for costs of boating diesel i dread what might happen in the next couple of years i run a commercial operation but the rising cost of fuel still does not make me a happy bunny because it dents my profits big style. i am going to look at the bio fuel options in the future as this might be the only way to control diesel prices.


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9 Jan 2005
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Re: Private planes get classed as \"special case\" for derogation!

Aircraft are referred to as Private, Commercial or Military
Pilots are also referred to as Private, Commercial or Military
Civil Aviation includes Private and Commercial Aviation.

Least it always used to when I flew. I often used to have to explain to to visiting pilots that they couldn't fly a particular aircraft as it was private, not RAF, and they would need the owners permission.

Apologies if I've replied to wrong post.

Seperately, does anyone know what happens to MoGas (effectively unleaded road fuel). Aircraft engines were starting to be certified for this more and more in the 80's and 90's. Will that be taxed at the same rate as AvGas?