Priority start


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9 Feb 2005
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Hello from a newcomer to the forum.

I was wondering if anyone had any experience of a gadget called "Priority Start", or anything else which will make sure that your battery will not die.

Moby Duck is a 5-and-a-bit metre rib and does'nt really have room for a second battery.

Any advive would be very welcome.



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15 Jul 2002
Faversham kent uk
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I would not bother just keep battery toped up and make sure it is a new one every three years, the new marine battries will have a window and tell you the condition of the charge.



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18 Jun 2001
In a state
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all batteries, whether new or old go flat if left. Dont know what priority start is, I keep a booster battery charges up all the time and use it when needed, BTW welcome


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1 Jun 2001
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Most of these gadgets claim to detect some voltage point below which there'll be enough juice left to start an engine.....& then automatically disconnect the electrical load that's been reducing the voltage - making sure you'll always have enough left to start yr motor. while presumably maintaining the main engine starter connection so's it doesn't trip out when you use the starter & the voltage drops greatly, like it does when you start an engine....hopefully (bearing in mind the prices), some are much cleverer than this, & can be programmed for differing set-ups while measuring current draw/time, thus (with any luck) knowing how much actual battery capacity is left. If these exist, you likely wouldn't care for the price at all.

Problems (based on cheap ones).....

1: they have to make a guess at the voltage, or make it adjustable by a competent bod, 'cos large loads might reduce the battery voltage hugely, while they're on. So might have trouble using high power for short periods 'cos the thing'd trip out.

2: Batt's vary greatly in their cold-starting/cranking performance,by design type & size of battery, & it's reduced by discharging/recharging,age & low temperature.

3: Engines & starters vary greatly in how much current is drawn when cranking, & for how long, esp when cold; & heaven forbid, some don't start first time, perhaps esp. in cold weather, or after you've partially drained a battery that's only just man enough for the engine.

So, I've no experience of them (tho' a friend designed one that's sold in the uk - I ought to ask him how his one works)

but it sounds pretty tricky for a cheapy one to guarantee to do reliably, what it says on the box-imo.

Really sure there's no room for another battery somewhere, or just a bigger &/or better one?

So, many words & you're probably none the wiser about whether or not to get one?.....

on a typical 5+m rib, unless you've unusual electrical requirements ( in time &/or current), or genuinely only have space for an undersized battery considering the engine's cranking needs - don't buy one. Even if you do buy one, it may not always do what you want of it.

(why didn't I say that in the first place?)