Preveza marina confusion


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29 Nov 2002
South Wales, UK
This is one of those 'which is best' questions. I've already read the previous posts but they're probably due for a refresh so please let me have your votes.
I want a winter berth for the coming winter in Preveza. There appear to be three choices: (1) Cleopatra marina, (2) Preveza marinA and (3) Preveza marinE.
I need somewhere secure where I can safely leave the boat for six months, but also somewhere with toilets, etc for the week or so each end when we'll be wrapping up or re-commissioning.
We've had quotes from P-MarinE and from Cleopatra which are broadly similar, but I can't find a website or email address for Preveza marinA - anyone have a link?
Finally, do they all have the same facilities on the water - e.g. is P-MarinE just a boatyard with no pontoons?


Active member
22 Oct 2005
A long way from my boat! :(
Preveza Marine. Cleopatra Marina and Aktio marine are your 3 options.
All three have the same facilities. Cleopatra is the only one with walk on moorings thanks to an injection of tourist association money. Their facilities are reflected in their prices.

Preveza and Cleo use overhead crane/s Cleopatra has one small one and the biggest one - up to 300 tonnes.
Preveza 100 tonnes. Aktio uses a Hydraulic lift trailer/tractor combination. 55 foot seems to be about their limit.

All three have varying levels of internet access but here's a little nugget. If you wander to the end of one of the concrete jetties you can JUST pick up Preveza net wifi on a laptop! Currently its free to access and delivers full broadband speed. I'm taking a signal booster this trip!

All will have somewhere to abandon a car for a few months at a time.

All are equally secure.

All frown on live aboards for any length of time.

Different strokes for different folks is the answer.


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25 Feb 2006
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Based on a previous recommendation on this forum we left our boat ashore with Preveza Marine this last winter - they've been great. There are showers and toilets there for each end and they could not have been more helpful. They are also able to commission quite a wide range of work. We don't rate Cleopatra Marine next door from our limited experience. You can get Preveza Marine on

I think that Preveza MarinA might be the thing that they are still in the process of building over on the town side; half finished and I wouldn't have felt comfortable leaving ours in the water there for 6 months.

Hope this helps.


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6 Jan 2009
I think that Preveza MarinA might be the thing that they are still in the process of building over on the town side; half finished and I wouldn't have felt comfortable leaving ours in the water there for 6 months.

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From our experience of living aboard in the unfinished harbour in Preveza we would definitely not recommend leaving a boat unattended (especially on the south side of the pontoons) for the winter. Strong southerly winds caused damage to several boats this winter despite plenty of hands available to place fenders etc.

However, as a liveaboard site, great - as long as you don't mind cultivating a mussel farm! /forums/images/graemlins/ooo.gif


Active member
22 Oct 2005
A long way from my boat! :(
However, as a liveaboard site, great - as long as you don't mind cultivating a mussel farm! /forums/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Harvest them, put them in an orange bag ( no not an orange bag a netting sack that oranges are delivered in /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif ) and go for a sail with them dragging in the water behind. Apparently this gives them a good cleanout and makes them ready for Moules marinière!

BTW there is a 4th marina in Preveza. Very small, no room for more than a couple of dozen small boats and boats are hauled with a sledge and stored using wooden pilings


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29 Jun 2001
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Not surprised your confused - probably even more after the inputs you've had-

there is a marina at Preveza - it was very unfinished but is a bit better now:-

There are also 3 boatyards in Preveza, across from the marina:-
1) Cleopatra marina, Sophia 2682023015 €798.43.
2) Preveza Ionian, Alexia 268204305 €794.00.
3) Aktio, Vasha, 2682061305, €500.00.

The first 2 have all mod cons, travel lift etc, the last by hydraulic trailer. The above are their prices for 10m for 3 months, all-in including VAT @ 19%, June - Sep.

I've just come off the phone to them.

Rod got it more or less right in his 10th edition Pilot.

I'll be there in June and can report more fully - all the above phone# require +30 if outside Greece.


New member
6 Jan 2009
and Yanni's a good sort and nearly 1/2 the price of the other two.

[/ QUOTE ]

mmm, double for us, don't think he wanted our business /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif


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31 Aug 2001
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for what its worth. I bought golden nova in prevessa marine some nine years ago.I was wandering around the the three yards looking for a project .cleopatra reply was negative positvley.( ie pfush off) if you speak Italian its a different matter..aktio I hear good reports from my french friends.Its Very much a do it youself marina ???. prevessa marine. good. for a change george was positive and (in of 4 languages) helen.was welcoming and nicho is the best yard foreman is as,good as ive met anywhere in the world. A Crusty bustard [--word removed --] , just like me.I have stayed with prevessa marine since. to each its own. Cleopatra has built its own floating marina.prices have gone up.but all three are the top end of market for one time prevezza used to offer 10%reduction for ca members. Im not sure whether this still applies.
as white oaks asks the toilets showers in prevessa marine and cleopatra are up to european standards. I have not seen aktios so cannot comment,I am back in greece mid june. put the boat in the water and relax.hammdu lillah


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29 Apr 2009
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We have our Contest at Cleopatra. Our experience so far is not good. Office staff were rude and arrogant until they were put in their place. Owner, while parking my boat for the winter, tried to shove my bow under a high tension wire which was highly dangerous and that ended up almost in blows. If you anchor overnight in their new EU financed moorings before you get taken out, they will charge you a fairly hefty fee plus cards for water and electricity.
NB They have a bus into Preveza but there is a full shutdown of all facilities end October. if you want to eat, get spares, travel etc after that you will have to hire a car or similar.
On positive side, boat packing is less, due to their type of hoists and some old hands seem to like it there.
so thats both sides