Assuming you have a 'raw' DC supply of about 15+ volts from wherever then you need just 4 components. A 7812 ic will give you 12v regulated but only at one amp. To step it up to about 5-7A feed the o/p of the 7812 into the base connection of a 2N3055 transistor (or something similar) on a heatsink!. Connect the collector of the 2N3055 to the raw dc supply. On the emitter of the 3055 you will get a 'sensibly' regulated voltage of about 11.3v. I say 'sensibly' as it will be fine for running anything that normally runs from a 12v supply but might vary over perhaps 100mv or so. If you would like to get nearer to 13.8v then get a small zener of about 2.2v between the center (ground) connection of the 7812 and ground and a 4K7 resistor between the junction of the centre pin and the 7812 o/p pin. This will jack up the o/p voltage to about 13.5v. If you are having trouble following this then send me your PEM and I will send you a cct.