Well I suppose we would all have to come to the party on SB. As there are many more of us, at least post wise and more wit and humour, not to mention greatly superiour intelgence. You would be emmediatly swamped and sunk. Course, then we would really have to do some thing about that awfull name...../forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
<hr width=100% size=1> <font color=blue>No one can force me to come here.<font color=red> I'm a volunteer!!.<font color=blue>
There is an occasional cull, so once MBC has reached 100,00, the dull and hardly-used forums will probly be chopped. Seeing as most raggies often come on here (such as yourself) than it makes sense to rationalise and have just one forum. After all, all raggies have engines anyway, and official figures show that sailing is dying out ,so it won't matter much.
The system cannot cope with more than 99,999 posts. So what it does is take the oldest posts and migrate them automatically to another forum, as further pearls are added.
At this stage we have not chosen the dump forum and have decided to be democratic about it. Nominate by postal vote only (format, envelope marked private and confidential, slip of paper enclosed clearly stating nominated forum and cash contribution (paper clipped not stapled please and unmarked, not sequential, 20s or 50s) to Room 2338 King's Reach Tower etc etc).
I can't actually see a problem here, just delete the drivel from Happy and it'll free up so much space that you won't have to worry about it for another 2 years.
Have you considered putting a limit on some of the drivel that people put on here? I am sure there are some people that could say things with more accuracy brevity and speed /forums/images/icons/wink.gif Perhaps a limit to 100 posts a day or something like that per person /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif I bet some forums would love to be as popular as this with it's superb administration, highly commendable degree of expertise in nearly all fields relating to boating, wit, humour and of course loyalty and friendship /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
<hr width=100% size=1><font color=purple> "You only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know" <font color=purple>
How much more memory do emoticons (& the excessive use of them) use up I wonder? /forums/images/icons/smile.gif/forums/images/icons/smile.gif/forums/images/icons/smile.gif