Possibly dodged a bullet


Well-known member
22 Feb 2009
Greece briefly then Scotland for rest of summer
We were anchored off Portoferria, Elba and had visit from the Carabinieri launch tonight. They asked for out documents and we handed over the folder with everything including part I, insurance, bill of sale, original receipt from dealer, radio licence (covering VHF,AIS,EPIRB & handheld), liferaft service record, personal lic. for VHF & RYA certificates). They motored back a few minutes later for our passports (we expected that and had dug them out of the safe).

After a goodly while they came back and said the boat was OK but the tender and outboard weren't covered. We insisted that they were and if they returned just the insurance documents we'd find the details. They refused and we insisted the details must be there. They came back and said it just mentioned outboard and tender so could be any engine. We needed to prove that our specific outboard and tender were covered.

We were very apologetic and said it must be a simple mistake and our insurance would email correct documents. Didn't go down well and my wife thought they wanted to impound the outboard. I didn't pick that up but they didn't speak much English.

I dug out the outboard manual and said I also had another for the tender. Both had the serial numbers written on the back page.

By this time my wife had opened our electronic copies and found the relevant section. They had confirmed that our Yanmar inboard was covered so we called over to ask them to look under Yanmar at the next 2 lines.

Marca e Identificativo di serie del motore: Yanmr 4JH4AE Serial No. Ennnnn
Identificativo del tender: NL-LOA 22007Lnnn
Identificativo del motore amovibile (fuoribordo): OPnnnnnn

After another long look at everything they finally returned our documents and moved on. No idea how they could have missed the tender details, especially as it also had a box ticked to confirm boat, tender and engine were all covered (plus text in Italian). They spent over an hour with the next boat and then returned to the marina. A couple of other visiting boats moved into the marina while they were still checking the 2nd boat. Expensive option at 122 eur/night (not certain if that includes IVA) for what's really a town quay.

Our documents are in a binder with everything split into poly sleeves to keep relevant stuff together. I suspect that the fact we could find everything easily and it was well laid out put them off wasting any more time.

I hate to think what it would be like for someone with poorer documentation.
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5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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I gave the tender, outboard and main engine serial numbers to my insurance company a few months ago so they could issue the Italian certificate listing all these in readiness for our trip to Italy last month.

It's sad that such a lovely country is spoiled by such ludicrous bureacracy. :(



Well-known member
22 Feb 2009
Greece briefly then Scotland for rest of summer
Yes, Spanish and French authorities either never bothered us or just had a quick look at documents we presented. I got the impression that this lot were keen to spend a lot of time going through things in fine detail to dig out any infraction.

They spent even longer on the next boat and kept going back again and again to get more documents from him. Glad ours was all bundled and labelled or we'd have missed our evening meal sorting it out.

I suppose they are more likely to turn something up this way instead of rushing around covering all the boats and just viewing main documents briefly. We expected them to visit all the boats anchored in the restricted area (ferry turning) but didn't seem to bother. Probably a different department as we saw a few being moved by another launch from time to time.


Well-known member
11 Oct 2005
Yorkshire England
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Thanks for the heads up on this. Whilst I have now passed through Italian waters its good to know should I return.

Interestingly I have just looked at my Italian certificate (issued by Zurich Ins Co). Whilst it records the serial number for the outboard, the form only asks for serial number of the tender if it has an inboard engine.


5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
Visit site
Thanks for the heads up on this. Whilst I have now passed through Italian waters its good to know should I return.

Interestingly I have just looked at my Italian certificate (issued by Zurich Ins Co). Whilst it records the serial number for the outboard, the form only asks for serial number of the tender if it has an inboard engine.

My and GJW's interpretation was that as the need for serial numbers is for proof of ownership of things that can be "easily" stolen, and both the outboard and the dinghy are favourite theft targets, it makes sense that the serial numbers of both are listed. Having said that, this is Italy and like all Mediterranean countries, if you ask 2 different officials for their interpretation of their law, you will get 3 different answers. :)



Well-known member
22 Feb 2009
Greece briefly then Scotland for rest of summer
Carabinieri launch was out again today and visited another UK boat. We spoke to them on the way back from town and they had the same problem this morning. The Carabinieri said they couldn't find the serial number of their outboard on the certificate and gave them a piece of paper to take to their office. They said that it would be a 100 euro fine if they couldn't produce the correct document. I hope that they can get their insurance company to forward something in time to stop being fined.

No interest at all in checking that our engine, tender, outboard serial numbers actually related to the items we have. They seem happy once a headed document with "insurance" written on it quotes serial numbers.
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