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A word of warning! Last week, I had a problem with the throttle and gear control on my dinghy, it went out of sync, when I started it, the throttle was open in nuetral, when it started, I put it back into the central position, only to find it dropped into gear, at full throttle. (30 hp) The dinghy was tied to the boat, but then tried to take off, it tipped up, almost completely over, threw me out of the boat and bashed my leg and ankle on the rubbing strake, causing a fair amount of deep cuts and abrasions, plus a very bruised and battered ankle. Luckily or by design, I had the kill switch around my wrist, I always have, the engine stopped, I dread to think what my big yamaha would have done to my body! The cause of all this, one loose screw inside the box, which holds the handle mechanism on! Moral of the story, use the kill switch cord, always and check your controls occasionally for correct operation, they had been playing up for a few days, but we thought it was just salt! Thankfully my ankle is healing and the cuts are also healing, please be careful! I will from now on.