Planning boat jobs

Never Grumble

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29 Sep 2019
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I use the notes function on my iPhone, which connects to the iPad and iMac. I write a list with many things on it and initially try to concentrate on the items that need to be done whilst we're lifted out of the water and safety stuff essential to start sailing again. Other stuff can happen whilst we're in the water.

The Q

Well-known member
5 Jan 2022
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Keep a boat notebook,
Three lists..
Must be done,.
Would like to be done,
Fancy doing...

With boat being parked outside little work has been done so far this season due to poor weather.
So I've sewn a new jib ... Sat in the living room.


Well-known member
7 Feb 2008
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I don't make a written list as my memory isn't that bad yet . I hope to say goodbye to spreadsheets when I retire from paid work in the not too distant future.

At the moment I don't know of any faults that are critical to the operation of the boat but that could be just the boat hasn't yet revealed them to me .

But I do have a couple of maintenance jobs that I would like to do when the weather warms up a bit.

I have a kit of selected tools on the boat and (apart from few sockets) most are used regularly enough. I keep finding a few extra tools I need. The tools normally live on the boat although I live close to the boat which can be very handy.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
Hampshire / Solent
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I use keep notes on my Android phone, great for quickly noting any jobs that come up as well as maintenance jobs that can be ticked off each year, it is synced to my pc and tablet too. For anything in detail it goes in a spreadsheet including where parts were acquired, which is handy when you look back years later if you need to replace parts etc.


21 Jun 2022
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I find that one single system doesn't work very well for me, as jobs have "layers". I find it useful to separate the records and notes according to whether they are for the long term or the short term.

I keep a spreadsheet for the long-term record. This roughly incudes the job, required parts, estimated costs and when I should do it. Like install an AIS antenna - antenna, cable, bracket, cable gland - £100 - next haulout (for the example's sake). That's all I need to know when I need an overview of the next time I am going to work on the boat - or when I want to see what I did during the last season.

But as I don't live walking distance to your boat, I also need a "microorganisation" of the taks for these jobs for a specific day. Continiung with the example that would be: order the cable, buy the cable gland, make sure you have sealant on the boat, you will need the drill, etc. These are useful to remember as you don't want to end up not being able to get the job done because you forgot to bring a part / tool from home. For that I use the iOS notes app. Of course, once the job is done, I don't need to see any of this again.