Pitched props - idle curiosity ?



If you have a pitched prop does this mean you never have to use reverse? Eg By feathering it into "reverse" pitch you have the leading edge cutting and not the trailing edge like standard props. Also does it mean that you do not have to joggle between netural forward and reverse when docking - just feather it into netural?

ALTERNATIVELY If you have a pitched prop does this mean that after you have worn out "forward" you feather it the other way and always use reverse - but still go forward?

Remarkable invention - damned clever these chaps.

Feedback anyone?


These props do act in the way you descibe but have the more significant advantage of providing variable pitch, as in the tourque converter of an vehicle automatic gear box. Very high power outputs can then be applied at low hull speed for towing work and acceleration. As maximum hull speed is gained the prop is agained trimed for fuel/speed advantage. Unless you have a massive performance or towing requirment they are not really worth the effort and cost. They also allow the use of large single speed engines, often burning heavy oil, while manouvering.