
Active member
16 May 2001
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Of course you are not allowed to fall off the boat until you have done the course, passed the exam and got the certificate. Then you are allowed to fall off the boat. Of course you are then relying on being picked up by the skipper who has done the man overboard drill on yet another course ( except of course you're not the bucket and fenders he used), passed the course and got the piece of paper to say he's now qualified to pick up a bucket and 2 fenders - all under sail of course. My advive to anyone falling overboard is to wear a bucket and 2 fenders to give the skipper a fighting chance.


Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Some feedback

I've had a quick chat with Sarah here in the press room at ExCel and she has looked through your comments and is not unappreciative of your views. We've been talking about some ways that PBO might engage with forum users and pbo.co.uk readers in the year ahead - enough said for now.

Speaking as someone who has worked on boating magazines for a couple of decades I think that several of you are right to identify some of these topics tend to go in cycles and those cycles tend to be prompted by topical issues.

Like it or not there has been greater focus of late on a number of safety related issues and to a certain extent you are going to see all media take interest in that as a result. My own personal perspective is that boating is not less safe than it was - arguably modern systems and builds should have made it safer. However the general public at large is much more conscious of safety related issues and there also appear to be a greater number of people going afloat across all categories of boats, hence perhaps we all sometimes feel more pressure to feature related issues as a result - not least because it (rightly or wrongly) will be seen as a demonstration of a still largely unregulated interest trying to demonstrate a responsible attitude to educating all comers.

Trust me, journalists enjoy lightening up too and the people working for us certainly don't do their boating to be gloomy about it.

Thanks for the feedback - it is appreciated.


17 Sep 2002
East London
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I am glad to read your comment about the Feb PBO being the most boring issue ever, agree absolutely. Was in the pile about an hour after landing on the doorstep. DULL DULL DULL.

I have been a reader for many years and have a good few back copies cluttering up the house. Could do a cut and past from old issues to produce a new one each month without tremendous sense of loss.

Standard articles that turn up at least annually:

Which anchor works best , result is always big one,

How to varnish , rub it down well and get rid of all the old stuff before you apply varnish, ( insiders tip don't let flies land on wet varnish),

Maybe I am getting too old to read PBO and need to move on to SAGA magazine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


23 Feb 2002
Home:Nottinghamshire Boat: Blackwater Marina, Esse
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Re: Some feedback


I realise that some repetition of articles is inevitable, and must be useful to people starting boating for the first time. This is not my beef.

I really think we're overdoing the safety issues. This does not just apply to PBO but to other publications & life in general.

The article on fire extinguishers & fire on board boats was the last straw for me. Do any of the magazines dealing with domestic issues feature this sort of article on regular basis? I confess I don't subscribe to any magazines of this type, but I'd be willing to take a bet that home safety issues don't feature as often as boat safety issues do in PBO.

Arguably there are more safety issues to be dealt with in the home, 230v Ac, Chip pans, stairs, glass etc. etc.

Anyway end of moan! I'll still be getting PBO for the next 6 months (direct debit just taken from bank) so I will be able to see if this series of posts has had an effect on the content.

Who knows I may renew! /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Finally I'm glad we've got this forum, where issues like this can be aired & opinions sought.
