palmtop question


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5 Aug 2003
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Question to all those good 10 people who understand binary and all those good 32 people who understand Ascii and are still updated and interested in the development of PC/palmtop's OS and software.

The problem is that we will use two PC's of sorts almost simultaniously on battery power. Given that most PC's in whatever config use about 100 to 200W that would be roughly min 25A and max 40A per hour or about 320Ah per day requiring 3 large batteries (and still overload them) and leaving nothing for lights and instruments.
I have not measured actual consumption, but this is what I gather from the labels.

Now my specs are as follows:

Processing power minimal requirement, disk storage moderate 100MB will do, standard (frestanding large key board), external large LCD screen (to save power) as an option and a mouse externally.

Sould be able to run DOS (preferable) or another command line OS.

Would be one of the palmtops or similar be suitable, or is there some development in the pipline? I would not mind running an older and slower processor as long as the animal does not use too much power.

Screen size and resolution is important so the small screen of a palm top is out.

We have a laptop currently (and number of normal machines) which uses 180W or 15A or 150Ah per day.

Am living at the end of the world (as far as technical info goes) and would really appreciate good advice.

thanks and regards ongolo

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23 Aug 2003
Brighton, UK
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It is for this specific reason that I use a Navman plotter for 24/7 and would only use the laptop for the planning/weather/email.

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Power rating

If you were to measure the ampage / watts required by the PC from the charger - you would find that only when full charging and operating the pC would you get anywhere near the wattage you quote.
Tape up the battery contacts and put back so that the battery is not charged by the charger and then see what power requirement is ..... A LOT LESS ...... (Why tape up and put it back - without the battery pack in - most pc's are unbalanced)

I run regularly PC's with taped up battery packs - it started when my Twinhead Notebook battery gave up and I couldn't start the pc with it connected ..... so I got in the habit of just sliding it out to start and then clip it back in again once started. I hit on the idea of just taping up the contacts ..... worked a charm.

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ... and of course Yahoo groups :


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5 Aug 2003
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Re: Power rating

Nigel yes that makes sense - never thought of it. Shall try it, but still looking for more opinions.

tanks ongolo

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