Yotties be advised that P&O are now stopping any craft travelling across the channel slower than themselves.
Which has recently been highlighted when the skipper of a P&O ferry stopped two yot masters out for a trip across the channel on their airbeds.
It would seem that even though they had their ICC's and VHF credentials with them they were still apprehended and delivered back to the French authorities for routine questioning.
As their "vessel" was not CE marked catagory A for ocean crossings they will have to try again at a later date,only this time crossing from England to France which apparently is not illegal ?
So please keep an eye out for our foreign friends mid channel and give them a cheery wave as you pass by and keep your wash to a minimum as you may offend them,oh and dont forget sail gives way to paddle.
Which has recently been highlighted when the skipper of a P&O ferry stopped two yot masters out for a trip across the channel on their airbeds.
It would seem that even though they had their ICC's and VHF credentials with them they were still apprehended and delivered back to the French authorities for routine questioning.
As their "vessel" was not CE marked catagory A for ocean crossings they will have to try again at a later date,only this time crossing from England to France which apparently is not illegal ?
So please keep an eye out for our foreign friends mid channel and give them a cheery wave as you pass by and keep your wash to a minimum as you may offend them,oh and dont forget sail gives way to paddle.