Orientation of engine mounts?


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3 Aug 2004
Exiled to the Solent
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My engine mounts have one drilled hole and one slotted hole. How should they be oriented? i.e. Should the mounts be fitted so that all the slots are towards the front of the engine (or all towards the back), or should the forward slots be forward and the back slots be backward, or does it really matter? i.e. can they be oriented randomly?


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Well-known member
19 Nov 2003
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you dont say what engine you are talking about, but I would hazard a (ex engine mount engineer) guess and say that these are to allow for tolerancing in the placement of the screws/ bolts.
It would be difficult to imagine that the simple rubber moulding would be otherwise affected by the movement in any of the X,Y or Z planes. My saildrive has a restraining bar which fits under the heads of the rear mounting bolts to restrict movement if the leg grounds on something nasty underway, but this does not affect the orientation of the engine mount as a whole.
It will be worth checking the Web for a copy of the manual to see if there are special instructions.
If this is a reinstallation, check very carefully for any witness marks left on the mount or the bearers to indicate the installation direction. Look for matching paint chips, rust marks, indentations or deformations to give a clue.


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New member
14 Nov 2002
UK Emsworth
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Sounds like a Yanmar mount. In which case, the mounts are specified for rore and aft yse. ie, you have two pairs of mounts, each of different elastic modulus, appropriate to the mass of the engine. From memory, (you need to check) the front mounts are fitted with the slot forward and the rear mounts with the slot aft. That is so each mount will swing about the round hole, to the extent permitted by the movement of the slot, so allowing horizontal alignment of the engine, at the shaft flange.

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