Well-known member
To be blunt, it’s a <£10k 50year old boat. The photos look par for the course of a boat that age and the wiring looks broadly OK - certainly I’ve seen far worse.
It needs a deep clean, the wood needs some care & attention, bits mostly it’s small enough to take the woodwork home to do of a few evenings in the warm garage with a nice varnish. You also need to rebuild the hatch garage
Nothing you’ve shown there gives me particular cause for concern, but you’ve got a few weekends worth of work to do.
It needs a deep clean, the wood needs some care & attention, bits mostly it’s small enough to take the woodwork home to do of a few evenings in the warm garage with a nice varnish. You also need to rebuild the hatch garage
Nothing you’ve shown there gives me particular cause for concern, but you’ve got a few weekends worth of work to do.